Chapter 4: Places and Spaces

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"Baby, I know places we won't be found
And they'll be chasing their tails tryin' to track us down
Cause I, I know places we can hide
I know places "

-I know places, Taylor Swift


The secret lair turned out to be their basement which was transformed into a boy's wonderland.

There was a billiard table, a foosball table, a dart board, and what looked like a video game machine. There was a flat screen television hanging on the wall and different game consoles neatly arranged in the cabinet beneath the TV.

At the corner of the room was a small refrigerator which I bet was full of alcoholic drinks. At the far left side was a state of the art computer set.

Hunter had three led monitors that sat on an alien looking glow in the dark fiberglass table, which to my amazement, was also the CPU. Even with my limited knowledge of modern technology, I could say that Hunter's computer set was way more advance than what an average teenage boy needed; just some perks of being a legalized hacker.

 Even with my limited knowledge of modern technology, I could say that Hunter's computer set was way more advance than what an average teenage boy needed; just some perks of being a legalized hacker

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Hunter sat on the recliner in front of the computer and turned on the CPU which was a relief since we only had about five minutes before my doom. I grabbed one of the chairs sitting around and placed it beside him, careful to put some distance between us just in case he felt like being on his killer mode again.

"What's Yamamoto's e-mail address?" He asked without glancing at my direction, his fingers rapidly typing complicated codes in a system I wasn't familiar with.

" He's using our school's e-mail portal." I mumbled. I was hopeful Hunter could easily hack Kenji's account since he had successfully hacked our school portal in the past.

"Hmmm.." was his only answer.

There was a charming smile playing on his lips and I could see the dimples on his cheeks. Really, the boy was such an eye candy, it was annoying.

I didn't want to admit it but Hunter looked really cool when he was on his hacker mode. He had this serious look on his face which I found mesmerizing. He looked so confident and at ease in front of that particular electronic gadget, like he could conquer the world with just a click of his mouse... which he probably would if the CIA let him loose.

"This is probably the worst love letter I have ever read." said Hunter before he exploded into laughter. To my embarrassment, he was reading my e-mail to Kenji! I almost hit him with the throw pillow near me.

"That is so not a love letter! Didn't you read the disclaimer at the beginning?" I exclaimed, blood rushing through my cheeks because of my utter humiliation.

Great! Another thing that Hunter could use to blackmail me. Just exactly what I needed. This was definitely not my day.

"Looks like a love letter to me." He said, still laughing like a maniac.

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