Part I

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Four things you need to know before reading this:

1.) I am grateful that out of the million books here in Wattpad, you somehow decided to read my book. Thank you.

2.) English is not my first language. Expect tons of grammatical error.

3.) I love grammar nazis. Feel free to point out all of the grammatically incorrect phrases/sentences you will come across with. I won't mind.

4.) This book is for the people who love clichés just as much as they hate them.

EDIT: Please be warned that there are a lot of problematic stuff in this book including but not limited to sexual jokes, self-harm, etc. I wrote this book years ago when I was young and the entire societal climate was entirely different than it currently is. Please do not take anything about this book seriously. I have changed a lot of my views over the years and this book no longer represents my current views about a lot of things. Enjoy!





This is NOT A LOVE LETTER. As a matter of fact, this is not even a letter. This is just a group of words that are the written incarnation of the muddled thoughts inside my head.

Not that you'll ever read this, of course.

But just in case a miracle occurred and I actually find the courage to send this to you then don't expect to see me around anymore. There is a big chance that I've already packed my bags and decided to go cliff diving somewhere in Australia because I love to live my life dangerously like that.

So let me start by saying that I have a "thing" for you, I haven't figured out the definition yet but I'm working on it. Or maybe I should call it a condition, or obsession, or whatever. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure as well. But I definitely have these strong, not to mention, weird feelings for you.

I mean, really. If spent all those times thinking about you doing more productive stuff, like searching for cancer cure or something.

Sorry, I know I'm terrible at this. But hear me out, okay? I'm NOT in love with you. At least not yet. It's just that, I find it hard to get you out of my mind. No offense, but it sucks. Every time I'm lost inside my head, I always find myself thinking about you, like Bella Swan over Edward Cullen in New Moon.

Talk about deranged.

When did it all start? It started that fateful day when you saved me from drowning to my death after Lucifer-reincarnated, who currently goes by the name of Hunter Cole, thought it would be fun to throw me in the school pool. That was in seventh grade. You gave me a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and that basically made you my first kiss, or my one and only kiss for that matter. Pathetic, I know.

Since then, I decided to be your number one stalker. I mean, admirer! It's supposed to be admirer and not stalker! Sorry, autocorrect's acting a little crazy. Or is it just me?

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