Chapter 33

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I want to kiss you.

Translator: Flying Lines

Lulu was picked up by the driver of Lu Yanxing before supper. Being reluctant to part, she said "Goodbye, Uncle Fang" a couple of times before leaving, which made Fang feel he aged 10 years for no reason at all.

However, having got rid of the child, the real uncle Lu Yanzhou felt completely relaxed, and was going to play around after picking up a phone call.

Knowing he had no right to interfere in the personal affairs of his sugar daddy, Fang still couldn't help but ask, "Where are you going, Mr. Lu?"

"Drinking with a couple of friends."

Fang blurted, "Can you take me along?"

Lu didn't expect Fang would demand this way. It was OK to take him along. Since the guys drinking with him were all playboys, so it was quite normal to take a couple of boys with them. However, Lu himself didn't have the habit.

Lu hesitated for a moment. But when Lu saw Fang looking at him eagerly with his eyes full of expectation, his heart was softened immediately. Well, just take him.

The bar Lu took Fang to was located in an unnoticeable street. There were a couple of black SUVs parked outside, and the bar looked dull and cheerless without the noisy atmosphere of other bars.

Fang thought it was an artistic little bar enjoyed by the minority at first, but it was not until he went in that he realized he was wrong. The bar was just kept in a low profile on the surface.

As soon as they went in, Fang saw two famous movie stars sitting on high stools. The two were chatting, and when they saw Lu come in, they greeted him quite naturally.

As they walked further inside, a few hot singers who had drunk too much rushed to the stage to grab for a microphone regardless of their personal images, which make other guests off the stage keep laughing.

Being in the entertainment circle, Fang had seen many stars. But it was quite rare to come across so many stars in private. He couldn't help guessing the identity of the owner of this bar.

Knowing what Fang was thinking, Lu lowered his head, and said to Fang, "It's not mine. But I have invested some money in it, so I come to help take care of business occasionally."

Fang nodded. Well some sort of advertising and recommendation.

Lu pointed to the outside, "Do you see those black cars outside? The paparazzi hiding outside are even more than the stars inside. So don't drink too much later. It's none of my business if you go crazy after getting drunk and are shot by those paparazzi again like last time."

Fang knew Lu was referring to what had happened last time in a drinking party. After drinking too much, Fang slept with Lu that night. Feeling embarrassed, Fang assured Lu that he wouldn't drink even a drop later.

A waiter took the two to a booth where Lu's friends were waiting. They stood up in smiles, and touched Lu's shoulder with their own while scoffing at him with jokes. As for Fang Qiao, Lu's friends didn't seem to show much curiosity. Fang guessed the dissolute guy must have taken different guys here each time, therefore his friends had got used to it.

Having followed Lu for three years, it was the first time for Fang to be connected with his friends. The guys here today were all from rich families with whom Lu had made friends while studying abroad.

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