Chapter 44

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Rate me for my recent performance

Translator: Flying Lines

Lu kept taking the trouble to buy lunch for Fang every day, and when he got up late sometimes, he would even make lunch for Fang.

One day, after Lu prepared the lunch, he had to attend a meeting at once, so he sent a driver to deliver it. When Fang removed the lid of the thermal lunch container, he found the prawns were arranged neatly in rows with each pair of them in a heart shape.

Fang's eyelids twitched. What was this for? Why even the prawns were arranged to heart shapes?

Feeling envious after seeing the lunch, the sharp-eyed assistant manager reached out her hand to take a prawn. Fang, poker-faced, moved the container away quietly, looking quite stingy.

Feeling embarrassed, the assistant manager retracted her hand, and mumbled, "How proud of you to have a boyfriend."

Hearing the word "boyfriend", Fang's ears got slightly red, and he retorted weakly, "Not yet. Don't talk nonsense!"

The assistant manager didn't know the emotional entanglements between Fang and Lu before. Only judging from Lu's passionate pursuit, he patted Fang on the shoulder, and said with certainty, "Oh, sooner or later."

Fang bit his lips and didn't speak any more.

He didn't know the intention of Lu now. He had guessed Lu might want to be his sugar daddy again, but he would definitely refuse it. However, Fang hadn't expected Lu to declare openly that he would pursue him. Besides, judging by what the guy had been doing all these days, he seemed to be serious.

Fang had to admit it was a big temptation, because in his heart he still couldn't ignore Lu completely. But he didn't figure out why Lu, whom he had caught flirting with someone last time, could declare to pursue him suddenly. Could the guy be serious enough? Was it just because he hated to be dumped, or he was just seized with a sudden impulse? If Fang just agreed foolishly, what should he do if Lu got bored with him a few days later, and went for some little lovers as before?

Fang was torn between sense and sensibility. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, and found someone to pour out his feelings. The guy was Han Jiayue.

The lovestruck guy, who was filming now, sneaked back to see Lin Yao and only enjoyed a brief sweet moments before he was asked by Fang to be his 'ladybro'.

Han assumed great airs. He nibbled at the chocolate layer made by Fang and spoke unhurriedly after quite a while, "In my opinion, you should just say Yes! You like the guy anyway."

Fang shared with him his worries, and in the end he also mentioned he had seen Liang Chi walking out of Lu's office last time.


"Liang Chi." Thinking that Han might not have heard of the guy, so he explained patiently, "A new starlet of Xingzhou Entertainment. I think he has just been kept by Lu..."

"No way!" Han interrupted him.


"He is dating the leading actress of the drama I'm filming. He came to our filming site secretly to see the actress at the midnight of the day before yesterday, and was caught by me."

"Er..." a thought flashed across Fang's mind, "Could it be possible that Liang is bisexual? And he just conceals it from Lu, being kept, but dating someone at the same time?"

Han, "...Do you regard Lu as an idiot in your heart?"

Fang's worries weren't abated, so he didn't give any response to Lu's pursuit. But Lu was not anxious, because the situation now was getting much better than before. At least, Fang didn't hide from him or drive him away resolutely as soon as they met, so Lu felt quite satisfied.

Lu could feel that Fang had some feelings for him. He was uncertain before, but now he had both clear intention and strong will. Although Lu didn't know how to make Fang open up his heart and accept him again, he was willing to wait, and believed the day would come finally.

It was near the closing time at night, and Lu drove his car to pick up Fang as usual. He arrived at the shop a little earlier than ordinary times, so there were still a couple of customers there when he walked in from the front door.

Fang was tidying up shelves when he saw Lu come in out of the corner of his eye. He just spoke naturally to Lu, "Have a seat for a moment, I'll be ready in a minute."

Lu said okay with a smile.

Hearing the conversation, one of the customers raised her head subconsciously, and cast a glance at the two guys. Suddenly, the customer realized something, and said to Fang, "Ah, you are Fang Qiao, the walk-on actor, right?"

Fang opened his eyes wide in surprise. Having been a walk-on actor for so many years, he had seldom been recognized in private by people.

The customer cast another glance at Lu who was beside Fang, and lowered his voice to ask Fang mysteriously, "So the gossip that you two are dating each other is true?"

Fang didn't expect she should be recognized because of this. He waved his hand wildly to deny, and winked at Lu at the same time, "No, No..."

Lu got it, and helped Fang clarify the situation at once, "It's not true. I'm still pursuing him, but he hasn't agreed yet."

Fang, "..."

Who had said Lu was not an idiot?!!

Getting quite excited, the customer not only promised them again and again that she definitely wouldn't speak it out, but also encouraged Lu, and wished Lu could make it soon.

Lu was very excited to get a supporter unexpectedly, and he paid the bill for the customer without hesitation. Besides, when he accompanied the customer to the door, he didn't forget to ask her to leave a five-star praise on a food recommendation APP.

Fang felt funny, and asked, "Mr. Lu, you do know the star rating system?"

"Of course." Now only they two were left in the shop, and Lu walked to the back of Fang, "Baby Qiao, can you rate me for my recent performance?"

Fang turned around to face Lu, and asked honestly, "How?"

"Three-star stands for "satisfied", four-star for "excellent", and if it is a five-star, you should give me a kiss."

Fang thought the guy was so shameless, he wouldn't be fooled.

Lu asked, "Baby Qiao, can you tell me how many stars I can get for my love lunches."

"Four stars."

"Then what about the pick-up service?"

"Three stars."

Lu made a calculation seriously, "Then I get seven stars in total, which could be rounded up to ten. So you should give me two kisses."

Fang, "???"

Lu lowered his head quickly, and kissed Fang twice on his cheek before Fang could retort.

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