Chapter 50

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An Encounter at the Orphanage

Translator: Flying Lines

Fang Qiao had seen Old Mr. Lu once. As the scene of being knocked out of the house was still vivid in his mind, now, when meeting again, he was still scared.

The middle-aged lady who was very well maintained behind old Mr. Lu should be Mrs. Lu, who had the same eyebrow with Lu Yanxing and looked serious when she did not speak.

Fang Qiao stood at the door, cat in arms, at a loss. Lu Yanzhou came out of the kitchen with a spatula and casually pulled Fang behind him in a protective manner.

"Dad, mom." Lu Yanzhou said while holding Fang Qiao's hand, "This is my boyfriend."

Fang Qiao gasped. What a familiar scene! A second time to be knocked out of house!!!!

Fang Qiao, flustered, hurried to make a deep bow and called in a loud voice, "Hello, uncle, aunt!"

The two were both quite taken aback and looked at him for quite a while before nodding.

Mrs. Lu took out something and handed it to Lu Yanzhou. When she spoke, her voice was very gentle, "You didn't come home for your birthday, so I have made some longevity noodles for you."

Lu Yanzhou took it over and replied in a low but very polite voice, "Thank you, mom."

Seeing that the task was completed, Old Mr. Lu didn't want to stay for long, so he urged his wife to leave. Before leaving, he still reminded Mr. Lu, "Next week is your niece's birthday, this time you must go home for dinner!"

His tone of voice was harsh and cannot be refuted.

They turned around and left but Mrs. Lu turned back again. This time, she said with a smile to Fang Qiao, "Fang Qiao, please come together. Lulu has been quarreling for several times to play with you."

Being suddenly invited, Fang was flattered and didn't know what to do. So Lu Yanzhou pressed his head to nod as a 'yes' to the invitation.

After the couple left, Lu Yanzhou went to the dinner table and put the noodles in the bowl. Fang Qiao followed him with a foolish smile and said, "Your mother is very kind to you."

Lu Yanzhou hummed as a response and pushed the bowl to Fang Qiao, who grabbed the chopsticks and "sucked" the noodles before signing with emotion, "Although she didn't give birth to you, she raised you so well, which I really envy."

Without saying a word, Lu Yanzhou picked up a tissue and wiped Fang Qiao's mouth.

"You know what, I've been waiting in the orphanage for many years, hoping someone will take me home. Whether it's my parents or a kind-hearted adoption, all I want is a home." Fang Qiao shrugged, "You see, that dream was never realized."

It had been such a long time that Fang Qiao was even able to narrate the past in a casual voice. However, Lu Yanzhou's heart was gripped. He rubbed Fang Qiao's head and said softly, "Now it's realized."

Fang Qiao blinked twice and it took a while before he understood what Lu meant. Suddenly, his heart was filled with sweetness, and the corners of his mouth kept lifting. He could only bit his chopsticks tightly so as not to laugh out.

Lu Yanzhou took out his phone while Fang was not paying attention, and sent a message to his assistant: Help me find out which orphanage Fang Qiao grew up in.

Fang Qiao would go back to the orphanage every other time. This weekend, when he arrived at the door of the orphanage with a few bags of snacks, he thought he was dreaming.

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