Chapter 48

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Lu Yanzhou's Birthday

Translator: Flying Lines

Fang Qiao reflected on himself for a minute or two wondering if he had been too active lately. He said he had to think about their relationship, but it was he who couldn't help himself kiss and hug Lu Yanzhou.

Emm, it was "annoying" to be pursued.

Fang Qiao hummed songs happily while thinking and stayed in the cake-making room for a whole day. Before 4 o'clock in the afternoon, he was ready to leave with the cake after cleaning up everything.

Seeing the boss leave so early, the assistant manager curiously asked him where to go.

Fang Qiao said shyly and evasively, "Emm...I'm delivering a birthday cake."

The assistant manager saw something fishy and intentionally dragged the tone, "Ohhh...Whose birthday it is that needs our boss to deliver the cake personally?"

Fang Qiao blushed and cleared his throat, "Emm...You know who."

The assistant manager found it interesting making fun of Fang Qiao thus continued, "What birthday gift did you prepare for you-know-who? Can I take a look?"

Fang Qiao was stunned. Damn, he forgot to buy a gift!

The assistant manager offered an idea, "It's ok, boss. You can pack yourself as a gift to Mr. Lu."

Fang Qiao, "..."

Fang Qiao felt sorry and was considering buying a gift now. However, Lu Yanzhou called him, asking him to wait at the company. Fang Qiao had to give up the idea and took the cake straightly to Xingzhou Entertainment.

It had been more than a month since last time he came here. He felt many differences after going inside the company. Not only decorations in the hall changed, but also ex-colleges looked at him differently. They all greeted Fang Qiao with "Congratulations".

Fang Qiao delightedly thought that they wished him good fortune after knowing of his new shop.

He went up to the president's office. The assistant told him that Lu Yanzhou was at a meeting and asked him to wait in his office. Fang Qiao nodded and then saw a cleaning lady who finished cleaning up coming out of the office. She was all smiles and said, "Boss's spouse is very good-looking."

Fang Qiao, "..."

Lu Yanzhou's office was very big, and contained various furniture and appliances. Fang Qiao came only once, and he didn't take a good look at it then. Now that Lu Yanzhou hadn't come back, Fang Qiao wandered around in the office, glancing from the shelf to the desk to...Wait, what was it?

Fang Qiao picked up a photo frame on Lu Yanzhou's desk. Inside was a wedding photo of he and Lu with a 囍[double your happiness] in the background, the kind of photo made by their CP fans on Weibo.

No wonder people looked at him with those weird expressions!

When Lu Yanzhou came back after the meeting and saw Fang Qiao wait for him obediently, he felt very delighted and pulled Fang in his arms before Fang spoke.

Fang Qiao had wanted to ask him about the photo, but being hugged in Lu's warm arms, he changed his mind. Fine, a wedding photo was acceptable, anyway he could always 'divorce' him.

Fang Qiao thought that Lu Yanzhou would take him to a high-end western restaurant, so he wore a formal suit. However, when he got off the car, he saw an old children's restaurant which was seemingly about to close.

"When I was a kid, my mom took me here to celebrate my birthday every time." Lu Yanzhou explained while looking at the shop.

Fang Qiao nodded. He didn't know that Lu Yanzhou was that nostalgic.

"Back then, I didn't know that she was not my biological mother..."

Lu Yanzhou's face was hard to read. Fang Qiao looked up at him and took his hand when walking inside the restaurant.

The business was bad, and waiters were surprised to see two handsome men coming in. Lu Yanzhou leisurely ordered two Star Garden Meals as if he came here often.

Fang Qiao was quite excited. He grew up in an orphanage and had never ate at children's restaurants. Now it filled the gap in his childhood.

And it was also a part of Lu Yanzhou's childhood. Fang Qiao had a sense of pride to participate in Lu Yanzhou's growing-up.

He carefully opened the cake that he had prepared for a day and inserted birthday candles with the shape of "30". Lu Yanzhou hummed, "Too old."

Fang Qiao was thinking fast. He pulled the number candle "0" out and said loudly to Lu Yanzhou, "Baby Zhou, happy birthday!"

This time Lu Yanzhou accepted his blessing with satisfaction.

Lu Yanzhou asked him, "When is your birthday? Is it the date registered in artists' information?"

Fang Qiao shook his head. He didn't know his own birthday. He, like a wind flower at the edge of a field, was lucky enough to be found in a stormy day. Who would care when he came to this world?

Maybe that was why he liked making cakes, so he could take every day as his birthday.

Seeing that Fang Qiao didn't speak, Lu Yanzhou quietly stood up, walked around the table and kissed gently on Fang's forehead.

Fang Qiao closed his eyes, feeling the warmth between eyebrows and suddenly felt that his past wasn't so distressing.

When they, both stuffed and hand in hand, walked out of the children's restaurant, Lu Yanzhou's phone rang. Lu picked it up instantly after a quick glance.

"I won't go back for celebration...Em...Thank you, mom."

He hung up the phone within a few sentences, but Fang Qiao could tell that Lu's mood was better than before.

"Drive you home?" Lu Yanzhou asked.

Fang Qiao was about to nod when he realized he didn't give his gift and the assistant manager's words immediately came to his mind.

Fang Qiao unconsciously held Lu Yanzhou's hand tighter, pretending to look up at the moon, "How about...going to your house first?"

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