Chapter 52

586 17 2

Side Story 2: Living Together

Translator: Flying Lines

Now a man with spouse, Lu Yanzhou would go home early, cook a meal, and wait for Mr. Fang, who had worked hard the whole day in making money, to eat dinner together in days without business activities to attend.

Fang Qiao had learned cooking for several years before, and his cooking skill was certainly better than that of Lu Yanzhou. However, seeing Lu Yanzhou's enthusiasm, he didn't have the heart to demoralize him, so he chose to be a hands-off cook and let Lu Yanzhou do it.

After dinner, Fang Qiao took care of the dishwashing work. Lu Yanzhou, instead of idling away or watching TV, would always follow in the kitchen to make trouble. He said that only when they squeezed in the kitchen would the house have the sense of home.

"Then you can change to a house with a smaller kitchen. Why did you choose such a big kitchen with both western and Chinese style?" Fang Qiao asked.

Lu Yanzhou didn't answer that. He hugged Fang from behind and put his chin on Fang's shoulder, "Find a free day to move your things here."

"Why?" Fang Qiao turned back in confusion, his nose touching Lu's.

Lu Yanzhou rubbed his nose against Fang's and smiled, "Now you've met my family, it's time to live together, babe."

Fang Qiao smiled and felt extremely sweet, warm in heart, and he could even feel the pink bubbles almost bursting out. 'Mr. Lu must have put too much sugar in the dishes,' thought Fang.

It was an easy task moving house as Fang lived in the dorm his company had rented for him, so he just had to pack up all his belongings.

This day, Lu skipped work to help carry the bags. Before leaving, Fang went into the room again and checked thoroughly to make sure nothing was left before closing the door.

The moment he closed the door, Lu said, "There is one last thing."


Lu carried Fang Qiao in his arms and walked downstairs, "My darling."

Pink bubbles around them were almost visible to naked eyes.


They stopped by a market to buy some daily necessities on the way to Lu's house. As Fang Qiao occasionally took things he needed from the shelf, Lu Yanzhou pushed the shopping cart to follow him, looking quite like a newly married couple.

The promotion specialist must have thought the same and even came to them to recommend the latest ultra-thin condoms.

Fang Qiao, with a red face, said he didn't need it, and hurriedly walked away. However, looking back, he found that Lu Yanzhou had put a dozen in the shopping cart.

Fang Qiao pulled his sleeve and whispered, "Why do you buy so much? You don't wear it recently."

Lu Yanzhou said, "We have to keep some in the car, or it's not easy to clean."

Fang Qiao sighed silently, and had a sweet little trouble.

When they arrived at Lu's house, Fang Qiao sorted out his luggage and felt quite content when seeing Lu Yanzhou's home filled up with his own things.

Lu Yanzhou was so curious about Qiao's stuff that he personally checked every piece of them. At this time, he saw Fang Qiao sneaking past him with something. Lu Yanzhou frowned and pulled Fang over.

Fang Qiao had no time to hide the thing behind him, so he was robbed by Lu Yanzhou. Looking at the indescribable rubber stick in his hand, Lu Yanzhou asked incredulously, "What is this?"

Fang Qiao began to talk nonsense, "Rolling pin."

Lu Yanzhou sighed silently, and had a sweet little trouble as well.

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