Chapter 45

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Temptation from watermelons

Translator: Flying Lines

Fang Qiao felt Lu Yanzhou frivolous for Lu kissed him without his consent. If he agreed for a kiss, could they end up having sex?

Now that they wanted to develop a real relationship of love, the sugar-daddy way of getting along wouldn't work. Thus, Fang Qiao made three rules.

"First, no sex or any ambiguous relationship with other people."

Lu Yanzhou promised immediately, "No problem."

"Second, intimate behaviors are not allowed, unless with my permission."

Lu Yanzhou asked, "Can I kiss you?"


"What if I can't help myself?"

"Hold it back."

Lu Yanzhou, "..."

"Third..." Fang Qiao thought for a while, "I don't have a third rule for now. We'll talk about it when I have an idea."

Lu Yanzhou accepted them all, daring not to disagree.

Lu drove Fang Qiao home and when they arrived at the community where Fang lived, Fang Qiao was getting out of the car after saying 'goodbye' when he saw Lu Yanzhou also unbuckled his seat belt.

"You don't need to walk me upstairs." Fang Qiao said.

"It's the premiere of 'Happy Weekends' tonight. We can watch it together."

Fang Qiao patted his head as he had almost forgotten the variety show. After shooting an episode of the show, he quitted the show biz and left everything related aside. Now it felt like a century ago.

But Fang Qiao was unwilling to let Lu Yanzhou come inside his apartment. Their relationship was not settled yet and it was unproper for them to be in a room. If Lu Yanzhou wanted to do something evil, he couldn't stop Lu.

Fang Qiao sneaked a peek at the man beside him. Lu's side face was so charming under the streetlight, and his pecs were noticeable under his thin shirt. Fang Qiao thought in heart that even if Lu Yanzhou didn't act, he himself might not be able to restrain his 'bestiality' to prance over Lu!

The rational Fang rejected resolutely, "Mr. Lu, watch it in your own house."

Lu Yanzhou responded, "I don't have a TV at home." Then he walked back to the trunk of his car, took out two watermelons and went straight upstairs. He was well prepared.

Fang Qiao was lured by the watermelons Lu Yanzhou brought. The two melons looked big and round. Wondering if they tasted sweet, Fang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, gave up his little, wavering resistance and followed the watermelons upstairs.

Lu Yanzhou entered the apartment and went to the kitchen. He cut watermelons into small pieces, picked out the seeds, inserted toothpicks and served watermelons to Fang Qiao. Lu was eagerly attentive.

Fang Qiao had got used to this side of Lu Yanzhou during these days. Back then, although Lu Yanzhou didn't put on airs, he was still the sugar daddy, so Fang Qiao was a little afraid of him and always spoke to him with "please". Now without that relationship, Lu Yanzhou seemed a common person to Fang Qiao. They got along in a more comfortable manner.

Fang Qiao grabbed a toothpick and stuffed some pieces in his mouth, making his cheeks puffed. Watermelon juice spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Lu Yanzhou's eyes were fixed on Fang Qiao's mouth for quite a while. His Adam's apple rolled as he cursed in his heart, regretting for promising to follow those rules.

They sat in the drawing room, quietly watching the variety show. Fang Qiao was not interested in his own show, which was done with Han Jiayue. After the shooting, he was hated all over the internet. Thinking of it, Fang Qiao was still in a state of shock. He was quite prone to getting negative comments, so he was worried about more trouble after the show was on air.

The whole episode was in a relaxed atmosphere. Fang Qiao was in heated topic at the time of recording the show, so he had more scenes than other guests.

Apart from him, Liang Chi was also favored by post-editing. Liang was shaped an innocent and lively boy before screens, quite the opposite to his appalling true personality Fang Qiao had seen.

During the show, Fang Qiao intentionally paid attention to Lu Yanzhou's reaction. Lu Yanzhou was very calm from the beginning to the end and he only smiled at Fang Qiao's scenes. Seeing that, Fang Qiao was uncertain about whether Lu Yanzhou and Liang Chi had a secret relationship or not.

The show was getting to the end. Lu Yanzhou who was lying on the sofa, unknowingly, leaned over to Fang Qiao more and more closely with dangerous intentions. Fang Qiao started to think how to ask Lu Yanzhou to leave in a polite and elegant manner.

Right at this critical moment, Lu Yanzhou's phone rang. Fang Qiao stole a glance at the screen. It was from Liang Chi.

Fang Qiao's heart almost hopped out of his mouth. He looked at Lu Yanzhou alertly.

However, Lu Yanzhou didn't want to be disturbed by the phone call. He held the phone and looked at it for a few seconds before answering the phone reluctantly.

The moment he pressed the answer button there came a bitter scream, "Brother! Help!" the sound was so loud that Fang Qiao could hear it clearly.

Lu Yanzhou held his phone further away from his ear in disgust, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Brother, help me again! Otherwise, brother-in-law will break my legs!"

"What did you do?"

"I was taken pictures during a date. I swear I didn't do it intentionally!"

Lu Yanzhou tried his best to enter Fang Qiao's apartment tonight. He didn't want to leave now. So, he gave the runaround, "Fine, I know. Let's talk about it in the company tomorrow."

Liang Chi shouted, "No. Brother-in-law will see it by then. Get it right for me now if you're available."

Lu Yanzhou had a headache from his noisy voice, "Then let Lu Yanxing see it. I don't have time. I'm dating!"

Then he crisply hung up the phone, ignoring whines and screams from the other side of the phone.

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