Chapter 43

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First step to win back fang's heart

Translator: Flying Lines

Lu took a shower, and changed a new underwear. He felt even more empty when he returned to bed.

Although he could satisfy himself on his own, it was different. He used to hold Fang in his arms after sex. Fang's body was so soft, and the guy would keep rubbing against his chest, which made Lu feel so comfortable...

Why was he missing the guy again immediately after masturbation? Lu tossed and turned restlessly in bed as a thought flashed across his mind-He can't live without Fang Qiao.

Lu became wide awake, and got up to call Tan Hao, intending to invite the guy out for a drink, but the guy just excused himself by stating he had lovemaking stuff and refused Lu without showing the slightest sympathy.

It came as a total sneer to Lu, who, out of indignation, lay down to masturbate once again.

The next day, Lu went to the company with two black eyes, and the moment he entered the elevator, he came across Tan the man who chose hoes before bros.

"What's up? Refused again by Fang?"

Why did the guy put him on the spot? Lu cast a glare at him.

Having witnessed Lu's situation these days clearly, Tan was very speechless. "What the hell are you doing? Just be brave and pursue the guy if you are unwilling to part with him. If you keep dawdling like this, Fang might be together with others, and then it will be too late to resent."


Tan's words came as a reminder to wake up a daydreamer. The moment the elevator's door opened, Lu felt enlightened in an instant.

To tell the truth, as a man over 30 years old, this enlightening moment came too slowly.

However, it was not all Lu's fault. It was a pure coincidence for him to be together with Ye Ran before. Let alone what happened when he returned from abroad to be the boss. Those unknown starlets just kept fawning on him, and he didn't have to pursue anyone actively.

Therefore, as soon as the naive-Lu entered his office, he opened his computer immediately to surf the Internet about how to pursue a boy.

There were quite a lot relevant posts on the net. Some of them were sharing experience, while there were some disappointing posts stating that it was easy for a girl to pursue a boy, but not the other way around.

Lu couldn't help replying, "I'm a boy."

Soon he got a reply from someone, "Well then, it might be more difficult."

Lu replied, "Bullshit."

At the same time, Fang got confused about how to find a boyfriend.

The new assistant manager of his shop was a girl who was a couple of years older than Fang. She offered Fang a tip, saying there were many dating websites for gays where he could have a try to see whether he could find someone he was interested in.

Fang thought it reasonable, and thus registered an account on a popular dating site for gays. Just two minutes after he uploaded his photos, he got many replies from strangers.

"Online now? Can I see your penis?"

"Are you a Top?"

"Can you accept threesome?"

There were two guys who even sent Fang pictures of their private parts directly, which scared Fang to log off at once.

Patting his chest to collect himself, Fang thought it was unreliable to find a boyfriend on the Internet. Those guys were just too unrestrained, and didn't look handsome either.

Therefore, Fang felt quite comfortable when he looked up and saw Lu come in.

Noticing a hint of warmth from Fang's eyes, Lu got happy, and came straight to the point, "Fang, I'll pursue you."

Fang, "..."

The assistant manager, "..."

Fang lost his tongue in shock. Lu thought it was a good sign since Fang didn't refuse him. When he got back, he urged his assistant to decorate the shop he had bought, which was the first step of his pursuit: gift-giving.

He learned it from the Internet, on which some strategies suggested that a boy should first offer a small gift, for example a lipstick to a girl. So it was reasonable for him to offer Fang a shop, right?

A couple of days later, a regular customer came, and asked Fang whether he was planning open another shop on Jiefangxi Road.

Fang got confused, "No, have you mistaken it?"

"No, the shop has the name Mr. Fang's Cake Shop. I think the decoration is almost completed."

Fang felt very confused. He followed the address offered by the customer to have a look that afternoon, and really found a shop called "Mr. Fang's Cake Shop". Even the decoration style looked the same, but it was three times bigger than his shop, which could be viewed as a flagship shop.

Popularity always tended to cause trouble. There was a copycat in such a short time! Fang got quite angry. Luckily, he had already applied for a patent for his shop.

As soon as he returned, he asked the assistant to post a statement via the official Weibo account of the shop and put it at the top of the page- "Now we only have two shops. One is located beside the Foreign Language School, and the other in the college town. The rest are all copycats. Please be careful when you buy."

The next day, Lu's assistant came in a rush to report the bad news.

Lu asked, "What's wrong?"

"The cake shop you ordered to open is accused of infringement."

Lu got puzzled. He had planned to tell Fang when the decoration work was finished, but he hadn't expected he would be sued by the guy even before he could present it to the guy.

He hurried to Fang's shop immediately but only assistant manager was there.

Lu explained to the assistant manager, "It is not a copy one. Actually, it is a gift for your boss."

The assistant manager was suddenly enlightened and said she would tell Fang when he came back.

Since it was a misunderstanding, the statement must be taken down as soon as possible. Without asking for Fang's opinion, she logged on the official Weibo account, withdrew the statement, and posted a new one to clarify the situation.

Fang was buying clothes in a shopping mall when he heard the clerks talking about his cake shop. Fang stretched his neck to eavesdrop.

"Have you heard it? The Mr. Fang's Cake Shop you like has a copycat now."

"Ah, it has just been clarified. It is not a copy one."

Fang felt it strange and logged in his Weibo immediately. The top statement had really been replaced by one stating, "Sorry, dear customers. The Mr. Fang's Cake Shop that you just heard of is not a copy one. Actually, it is a surprise offered by a pursuer of our boss. If you like our cakes, please come often after it is opened."

Quite a lot of comments just appeared within 30 minutes.

"I'm so jealous, what about you?"

"Me too."



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