Chapter 13

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A/N: Hey, thanks for the reviews and the reads! That means so much to me. ;) :) Anyways, any mistakes, grammatically or whatever – are all my fault coz I don’t have a beta. And, English isn’t my mother tongue so I think that’s understandable (I hope.) And yeah, the usual disclaimers apply. See yah at the bottom! ^^


I woke up really early this morning. It’s my first day in my newly assigned job so you can’t really blame me for being giddy and excited. It was almost midnight last night when I managed to calm my nerves and get some sleep, so it’s really a surprise that I woke up early today, because usually, I’d be brain dead. I did my usual morning routine, taking my time, thankfully because of the absence of time pressure. Surprisingly, I also feel grooming up today, so I wore something I usually won’t consider wearing for work under normal circumstances. Alice would be proud if she knew that I did wear “great clothes” without her coaxing. Apparently, my usual get-up doesn’t qualify for her taste, so every time she had the opportunity to dress me up, she’d happily grab it.

I glanced at me bedside table clock and saw that it’s decent to drive to work now. It’s Monday and Edward’s supposed to give me a lift to work, but considering it’s still early compared to my usual time, I decided to use my Chevy instead. My friends often bugged me about my truck; they say it’s about time that I let my truck retire already because it had a beautiful life and it’s already time for it to rest. After all, my paycheck can handle a new car. However, I don’t agree with them; I know my truck isn’t that great mechanically and er, physically, but I can’t just give it up. It has a sentimental value that any other car can’t replace.

I was humming to myself as I open the door of my truck. I was about to leave when I remembered I forgot my phone on my desk so I decided to go back to my apartment.

“Going somewhere, Bella?” he said, while covering my eyes with his hands – not that I mind it. I turned around, startled.

“Fuck!” I cursed. It was so quiet and I was so lost in my little own world that I didn’t notice that Edward’s already there, with his stupid Volvo with an amused smile plastered on his face.

“Nah, the name’s Edward, remember? And Fuck isn’t really a good name to call me.” He teased. Damn him. I just rolled my eyes in his direction. “Where are you going, anyway? I’m supposed to give you a lift MWFs, right?”

“I woke up kinda early, and I thought I’d just drive myself to work.” I explained. “Plus, I don’t wanna ruin your beauty sleep.” I teased. Not that he needs it anyway. As far as my dictionary can describe, he’s more than beautiful and a beauty rest is the least he needed.

“You think too little of me, Bells. You know my cute face can handle that.” He said in mock hurt, which I might add, is indeed cute. Damn, Bella! “If I have to be here before midnight, I’d do that just for you, Bells.”

Oh my gosh, did he really said that? He just turned me into a puddle, for Pete’s sake! I really need to get a grip.

“Are you gonna get in, Bells?” he said, probably noticing my state – or lack thereof – motioning to his car door he held open for me. Gosh he’s really a gentleman. Could he be any more perfect?”

“Um. I’m er – right, I’m just gonna go grab my phone. I left it in my apartment.” I said, trying to hide the effects of his words on me, before dashing of to my apartment, and thankfully, not tripping. When I returned, Edward was seated on the driver’s seat, waiting patiently for me, and giving me a smile that sent my freshly restarted heart back into it’s stuttering state. We then drove off to work as we talk about our weekends. He asked me how was mine, and I told him it’s just the usual – me, lounging on my couch with a takeout in my hand as I watched replays of The Bachelor. I asked him how was his too, and he told me that it was great, but he have this smile in his face and I know he’s hiding something from me. When we arrived at our building, I unbuckled slowly – wanting to prolong the time with him as possible – before turning to him and saying goodbye.

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