Chap 12

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A/N: Howdy!! So, here goes the next chapter. ;) I’m so very sorry for this late update, but hey, I originally planned to update this Jan. 20-ish or even later than that because of my “laptop-less state” but here’s another update before my planned date so some claps for me for that. :D LOL. Anyways, a huge thanks to those who commented on my last chap… guys, this chap’s for you. You seriously inspire me. ;) :) Ookay, chapter 12 in 5..4…3..2…1…

            It’s Friday night and I have no plans of going out. After all, I’m Tanya-free-and no Tanya is synonymous to freedom-so I can do whatever I want on a night like this. Since, I’m tired from all day’s work; I decided to just stay in. It’s almost unbelievable how it’s almost one week after Bella and I’s “agreement”. This time last week, I was drinking the hell out of me with Bella- and I was more than thankful that she stayed with me even though I might have been a pain in the ass.

            Thinking about Bella brought again the guilt I feel every time I remember our little agreement- I know I’m a dick for asking her to do something like that for me- but I really have no choice at that time, and in fact, I don’t really mind inviting Bella to our place for Thanksgiving. I mean, seriously, who would mind inviting her? She’s nice, smart, charming.. and beautiful. She’s the complete opposite of Tanya- and thinking about bringing Tanya instead of Bella is revolting.

            This week has been really good for me and Bella, or for me at least. Giving her a lift to and from work is the least I can do for her, and if it’s even possible, I’ll give her a lift forever if that’s an enough payment of the favor I asked from her. But apparently, she doesn’t like my idea, because every time I pick her up, I always have to coax her. Seeing her glare at me every time I insist driving her to work, or huff every she’d lost her side of the argument again is really cute… and endearing, even. It brought up another wave of guilt… guilt from not spending enough time with her after all those years.

            Bella and I were really close; we’re even best friends. We’d hang out, share secrets, and do everything that best friends did. That was before Tanya came in the picture, and when she did, everything between Bella and I changed. I started hanging out with Tanya and then we eventually started dating, and that was when Bella and I started falling apart. It wasn’t the kind of falling apart that you lose communication or you had a huge fight, it was more of like you two just stopped hanging out with each other, where you rarely see each other; but even so, it was obvious that we lost the closeness we had when we were in college.

            Now spending time with Bella even though it’s just almost two hours a day made me realize how much I’ve missed. I miss everything about her- her smile, her pout, her blush, her laughter, her scent, and everything Bella-related. I really miss her, and if giving her a lift is one way of getting to spend some time with her, then I’d willingly do that. For her. For our friendship.

            “So… you and Bella, huh?” Jasper, who was sprawled in my sofa, asked for what could be the fifth time. It’s Friday night, for Pete’s sake! He should be hanging out in that idiotic bar he once showed me or something, but he suddenly just turned up in my door with a beer in hand, saying we need to have a “guy talk”. So now, here I am, faced with his questions about Bella and me’s “agreement”. Seriously, it’s getting in my nerves.

“Where the hell did you get that?” I asked, annoyed at his questioning. God, he’s such an ass sometimes. Why won’t he just mind his own business? Oh, I know the answer to that- it’s because he’s an ass.

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