Another love Story

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Writing about almost everything is second nature to me, that is why I chose Journalism as my career. Even then, I wanted my job to be something I want and something that I enjoy doing, not just something I would do to earn a living. I used to be editor-in-chief back in high school and I guess I really enjoyed doing that so I decided to pursue it. My dad wasn’t excited when I told him about it, he always wanted me to be a lawyer or doctor. But eventually, he gave in. He gave me college money and allowed me to pursue anything I want. And that is why I am in this position now.

I’m currently a feature writer in a in a well-known newspaper and I could say that my job is easy. I’ve been working here for the past two years, being hired right after I received my diploma. I can say that I am really lucky for having a job that quick since many graduates nowadays still find it difficult to find a job. Fortunately, I’m also paid a good amount of money for doing my job, thus allowing me to be able to rent a cozy apartment and even save some excess for future use.

I am currently having a cup of soda now, relaxing after writing my feature for the day. I decided to work today since I don’t have any plans. It’s already 3pm, and since it’s Saturday, I’ll be able to leave at 4pm. Just then, I heard Tyler, my coworker clearing his throat.

“So, Bella..” Tyler trailed off. He’s been giving signals to me for about a year and I’m pretty sure that this is another attempt of him to ask me out or something.

“Hey, Tyler! What’s up?” I replied, trying to break the tension.

“I just wanna ask.. uhm, d’ya have plans for tonight, Bella?” He asked, and my guess was once again confirmed.

“Actually, I have.” I lied. Then added hastily, “I’ll be going out with..Alice.”

“Oh, I see. That’s too bad. Some other time maybe..” He said smiling. I groaned internally. Will he ever give up?

“Right. Next time, see you around!” I replied, before realizing what my words might mean. He must now think that I’m finally giving him a chance. This is so great! Note my sarcasm.

Tyler gave me another smile before walking back to his work place. I guess he won’t give up that easily. Just then, Angela, another coworker walked by my place.

“I can see that Tyler’s still making moves, huh, Bella?” Angela said teasingly.

I rolled my eyes before answering her.

“Yeah, you’re so right, Ang. It’s becoming pain in the ass.” I said before laughing a little.

Angela laughed at my choice of words before comforting me.

“He’ll eventually realize that you’re not his “destiny”.” She said before giving me a sympathetic smile and a pat. “Anyway, don’t stress yourself at work too much. Tyler wouldn’t want his precious Bella get stressed out.” I can’t help it but laugh at her words. Tyler is practically the one who makes me stressed out, contrary to Angela’s belief that it’s my work.

She then said goodbye and I turned back to my coffee. Just then I decided to check my phone for calls or messages. 5 missed calls? Wow, whoever called really must need to talk. I checked the caller ID and realized it’s Edward. HMM? I was about to put my phone down and prepare my things and head home but it rang again. I hurriedly picked it up, thinking it might be some kind of emergency.

“Hello?..” I said as soon as I picked up my phone. I’m really nervous right now. I mean, every time Edward calls me and my phone’s unattended, he would usually just leave a voicemail or text message.  But now?

I heard Edward sigh on the other line before answering me.

“Bella..” Edward breathed, almost sounding relieved that I finally picked up the phone.

Now, I’m really puzzled.


A/N: so, my gorgeous readers, what do you think?! Bad, worse, worst? Jk. And oh, Tyler is back! Remember when he asked Bella if she would ask him to the spring dance? And when Tyler told everyone that he’s taking Bella to Prom? :DD Well, hope you like it. <3

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