The beginning : Mt. Asahi

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"Why do I even like hiking?" She screamed loudly , as her voice echoed through the deep forest of mount Asahi.

'♪One perk of being alone in such deserted place~you can scream your lungs out and no one would bother complaining♪ .She said out loud and chuckled like a psychopath escaped from the cell.

"What was that? Someone's coming this way?!"

The boy in the distant muttered. Although He couldn't quite make out what alien language his ears heard.

"What if it's a guard?"

A sense of panic found its way to successfully conquer the young boy's mind and completely freezed his brain from finding any logical solution.

"If someone finds me here, I'm about to be disowned." Eyebrows frowned, he scratched his neck, while thinking about what would happen again.

Although ,he was exaggerating the whole situation too much. His train of worries had a reason. Already getting caught twice sneaking around and getting a little penalty, nothing too much just A little penalty like -1)Taking away your favourite cats and 2)forcing you to take care of the other princes paperworks and inspections by yourself for a whole 1 month. Although the 2nd one would be the perfect punishment for him to remember and repent on his actions, but it is certain that, He won't be geting the second punishment again;the whole capital was in a mess that whole month due to him being in charge. However, The punishments may get worse.

Sneaking out during work,It wouldn't have been an issue if he already didn't get scolding 2 times this week for other issues. But guess what, he did.

And this time he isn't roaming around just in some random places, it's a far more complicated place.

She dragged her feet through the deep forest. She had been brainwashing herself for the past 3 hours that it's just a few steps away.

'Few steps my ass, I think I just walked the distant of the whole Tokyo.' kicking the unexisting  stone hard with her strong legs she yelled to the air. If the air was a living creature, it would have been running for it's life far away , from the sudden intimidating tone of the un-threatening looking lady. 

Although the air didn't have the ability to hear her, someone else on the other side heard her. 

" Did they already get notified of my disappearance? "The boy made a scenario in his head of how this "guy" is a guard and now looking for 'him' or  'the trespasser' who had the audacity to break 'the rule' in this kingdom.

"Instead of preparing for my exams, Did I really have to come hike at this place just because this place's name is Mt. Asahi? " She screamed again, but this time she spoke in a different language,Japanese.

'It's really strange how I have been walking for exactly 5 hours and still the end is nowhere to be seen.' Only if she could teleport to the comfort of her bed right this second.

On the other hand, if only the worried boy could teleport back to the palace, where currently an important meeting is being held.

He can't even run his way back to where he came from. He just sneaked into this forbidden place. Going past the royal guards with new techniques learnt from his partner in crime, Asahi. The one who is covering up his mess back in the palace.

The thing he had been fearing, seemed to come straight at him. He could now make out the figure which he prayed to just disappear.

'It's a girl! A young looking one with a perfectly healthy looking body.'

' I'm dead now.'

He was more anxious after seeing that the figure was a girl. The reason-  a young lady is more likely to have information about the young princes of neighbour  countries more than a enemy country's most experienced spy. He always wondered how could they get hold of every detail of them,even their portraits. 

'That's the strength of a fangirl. No one dares messing with a fangirl." - quoted by the 4th prince.

She turned her head looking around her, in order to find another living being. Nothing. Who would be crazy enough like her to hike in a place rumoured to be haunted,  on a weekday 2 weeks before the mid-term exam of freshman year.

"hOLd uP"

"Am I finally going crazy now? Did I really see what I saw or is it just me hallucinating that I saw what I just saw."

Turning her heels slowly towards that direction, she turned her head slowly like a robot little by little and stopped at a perfect 180 degree.

The boy saw that girl coming this way,  he swiftly went the other way to find a place to hide.

The boy was hiding his model like figure behind a tree." I have mastered the art of hiding." The prince smirked to himself, clutching the thing he had in between his palm.

Alina ran at the speed of light,dropping her backpack, to verify if what she saw was indeed the "truth."

"Nothing here. I must be hallucinating because of extreme tiredness. " She groaned obviously disappointed because her mind showed her a ray of light which showed a glowing treasure but when she ran towards the direction of the light it was just darkness.

He sighed in relief. Enough of roaming in the so called "holy" place. He saw what he was curious  to see. after getting nearly caught it is time to exit this place.


A high-pitched scream which seemed bust the young princes eardrums, left the young girls throat, who had no idea which situation she is about to get into. 

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