Chapter 15: Brotherhood

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Avoiding jaehyuk's words completely junkyu faced Alina with a stern face.

" How did you recognize all the princes present here including the japanese prince?"

"I -I ... hurry make a story up!!" Alina was taken aback by their sudden but expected questionnaire.

" Actually- actually- actually –actually actually" with her every "actually" everyone nods their head slowly in unison.

" actually- actually-" All the stares towards her made her feel more tense than ever.

" just speak already" Jihoon couldn't stand it anymore.

" Actually there are some story-teller in the ... in the market... so they tell tales of the 12 treasures of the world..." She said sounding as much convincing as possible.

" O- where is that story-teller now?" Junghwan the youngest, asked her amused by the discovery.

" he- his house got burned down by robbers, and I-I don't know anything else, they might have changed cities," Some of them actually believed her.Well, Every one did except for the 2 besties.

"Wth!! What am I saying!! I better shut my mouth and run!"

" Let's change topics" Wangkyu turned towards Jihoon. He clearly could see she won't say a single truth today. 

" j-line are not coming any soon from japan, Hyunsuk hyung is busy as always but where is doyoung? I haven't seen him in a while" He said to Jihoon in a conversing tone but his main motive was to answer her question.

" I don't know what happened to doyoung. He keeps wondering off here and there and rarely talks to me these days. " There was a good minute of silence among the young princes and the clueless girl.

Junkyu walked over to the seats and sat down. Looking up to Alina, when he saw her still standing. He stood up and pulled Alina to sit beside him.

"OoOoOooOOOoOOOoOooo" the boys in the room all looked into each others faces with a smug look on their faces.

" I thought I would properly interrogate her here but It looks like I won't even be able to ask questions let alone know answers. " Junkyu said slowly bringing his hands to his face facepalming.

" what interrogation?" Yedam asked. The atmosphere became completely serious now.

" diD sHe ChEaT oN YoU hYunG???" Jeongwoo dropped his jaw on the ground. And there goes the serous atmosphere to hell.

Ignoring Jeongwoo completely junkyu continued, " Tell me, Who you really are" Turning to her, he said emphasizing the word "really".

" like I said-" before she could continue her lowly servant talk again junkyu stopped her by bringing his finger to her lips.

The time stopped on her behalf. The tenseness of having to answer their questions disappeared in a split second.

" Tell the truth"       She couldn't help but turn beet red from how close their faces were.

" fried rice girl!!"     her eyes were appreciating his facial features that screamed perfect.

"Ya!!"                          His lips look so soft and red. I wonder how someone would feel kissing them.

"ALINA!!!"                  How can someone be this handsome??

She jolted up straight after being shaken by junkyu. " ah sh!t"

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