Chapter 31 : Hello

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She sat there for hours, screaming, screeching, bawling her eyes out.

Her love's flesh was just slashed with a blade right in front of her eyes and then. And then Nothing.

What happened to him? How is he? Is he alive?
Will her questions ever be answered?


While talking small steps downwards the mountain, she noticed her backpack.

The date displaying on her phone's screen was unchanged.

Nothing even moved here during the time her whole life got changed.

Half-heartedly she called a friend and told them to come pick her up. She knew she was gonna fall unconscious here anytime.


Midterms. They came and went.

She did only 3 things,
1) Study Study and Study like a maniac
2) bawl her eyes out the moment she stops studying
3) And then slowly drift to sleep after crying

She has become almost like a living dead. Just Living and living. But for what?

"Hey did you hear that Kim Junkyu was  hospitalized a month ago and then released today?"

Alina heard chatterings while going past a group of girls.

My heart stopped upon hearing that name.

Oh, it's not about him. It's the other person.

" Come with us! Alina!! to The treasure concert!! I have tickets!!   " 
Her friend shouted to her ear.

" I can't look at that person " 

Nevertheless, She was dragged along.


"Why are you crying?" My friends exclaimed looking at my state.

" Who tf cries hearing 'Going crazy' ???"

My mind recalled the moment i first saw him, at the mountain and the last moment i saw him, on that same mountain.

Somehow the concert ended. I couldn't stop crying whenever that person spoke with 'his' voice and the big screen showed 'his' face.

The concert ended.

"Junkyu looked sad today, don't you agree? He tried hard to smile but it was clear from his expression "

"Is it because he just got out of the hospital?"

My friends were talking amongst themselves as i just listened.


All of a sudden, guards came to calm the crowd so that treasure can get inside their cars.

The car went besides them,  as they were standing on the edge of the road.

Soemthing caught the eyes of the person sitting next to the window.

He saw her.

" stop the car" He shouted and got out of the car as soon as possible.

"Alina!" He called out l, panting and out of breath.

Her breath hitched at hearing her name from that familiar voice.

He would embrace her right away, but there was crowds swarmping around everywhere.

He took a grip on her wrist softly and dragged her along in a corner, away from everyone.

Junkyu wraped his arms around her, clutching into her strongly.

"What the fuck" Alina exclaimed after kicking his knee and freeing herself from his grip.

"It's me... Junkyu, wangkyu? " He said with a broken voice,  almost crying.

She studied his face and expression for a moment.
"How is this-"

Without another moment of hesitation she jumped into his arms.

"I thought i lost you" She said inbetween sniffs and cries, still not letting go of him.

They stayed like that for a long time. No words were spoken but they felt desperate love for each other through their embrace.

"How? How are you here? And why are you 'the idol junkyu'? "
She asked bringing her jaw forward to look into his eyes, still hugging him.

" i - i guess i was 'the idol junkyu' all along...
  I did not have any memory of this world there, however, when i suddenly woke up back in this body, all the memories came back flooding back to me. Sounds crazy right?"
He said slowly and softly while caressing her head.

" I didn't understand a single thing. But don't worry. Now you have plenty of times to explain to me "  She said grinning.

"You sure?" He said and pointed at the paparazzi camera that was pointed at them.

He grabbed her hand and they dashed together.

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