Chapter 16: Bonding

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Midway through their conversation, another unexpected guest joined them.

"Is this restaurant this good? Why is eVeRyOnE coming here?" Sipping on her noodle Alina looked the newcomer boy who was practically glaring at her; She got the idea that she was in trouble for abandoning her 'master'.

"Pull a stool from another table" Mashiho told wangkyu as he was telling the waiter for another serving.

Ignoring mashiho's statement he sat next to Alina, which resulted in Her being sandwiched between these two.

Not being able sit as a 4th person in their triangle Asahi walked out from the table. dragging another chair,  he now sat in peace.

"Have you guys tried negotiating with them on their terms?" Having been intently following their conversation, Alina suddenly spoke up; of course in Japanese.

The two boys looked at her with wide and shocked eyes. Funny thing is that, All along their conversation, Doyoung and Junkyu both were translating and repeating everything to her.

While, the girl studying in Japan was laughing internally at this 2 boys struggling to express themselves completely in the foreign language.

"The officials tried to but they strictly told them down. They strictly have a rule not to talk with anyone from the capital unless the are ready to fulfil their demands." Yoshi thought she was some sort of official or scholar from the way she spoke  fluent Japanese and from the way she tried to analyze the situation.

"Why did I have to come with them? I don't even get any of their chats anyways." The silent boy, Asahi had many other things going on his mind.

"How to complete The experiment I was doing? Hmm... I did this and this- what did I miss? Maybe I should council that man? No... I should try to do on my own, maybe that book can be of any help?" He was in his own world of books and research as some background noises such as blah blah War- blah blah blah Die- blah blah blah revolting- damage- blah blah blah meeting.

On the other hand, The other boy, was also quite uninterested in their "issue". He had a much bigger problem to worry about.

" I have some work, we will get going" Not being able to stand this politics talk any longer, Junkyu held Alina's hand and stood up to leave.

From the sudden hand holding a shade of pink again found its way to Alina's cheek. She looked at Doyoung for the final time as she was literally being dragged towards the exit now.

" Thank you for conversing with us" Mashiho Thanked the lady that he was quite impressed with. "Hope we get the chance to meet again" Yoshi also bid his farewell, followed by the boy who just nodded his head at his direction.

The Japanese boys found it strange how she came with one and left with another.

"She must be someone important to have such good relation with these 2 loner princes." Yoshi thought and mashiho seemed to have the same thought as the older.


[play this song]🌸🎧

They were standing outside the restaurant as they just came out from it.

"How are we going back?" she asked slowly as she gazed at their hands that were still interlocked.

He raised his eyebrows towards the left and she got what he meant.

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