Chapter 10: Adjusting to a new world

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"Rosé, what did they brainwash you with 😭"

I thought to myself in between sobs,.

"Where is this place actually?" I should go with her story to get some clue out of her.

" This is Royal Butler Yang's Household. We all work in this household but this house-holds main aim is to train eligible young maid-servants who will serve the royal family."

"Why would servants need to be trained?! Servants are servants!!" I screamed loudly which made my voice crack up ...

"Listen, Royal maid-servants is the highest rank and position that any lowly servant can acquire. You are fortunate that you got these chances. Finally, you wouldn't have to starve all day, I heard a rumor they even get gifts from their masters. They even get vacations and permission to go out in the city!"

I seemed to join the dots a little.

"So, these little mafia gang, kidnaps young girls and then they have a secret cult. They put memory loss drugs in their food and then brainwash them into believing that they are in ancient Korea."


God, she snapped.

"What's that screaming?"

A voice said which belonged to a middle age woman, she came and stood there like she is the boss here.

" I am extremely apologetic, Ajumma. I was letting the new girl know about the rules around here."

" I don't want to hear people shouting around, this is a place where you learn manners, how will the newcomer be influenced if the former senior behaves like this."

Woah, They are so immersed in their role. I wonder if this lady is a victim or of the people behind this master plan.

" And you new girl, you are allowed to take rest for 2 days, in these 2 days you won't have to do any work which requires labor but you have to take the rest of the classes, the selection is coming near, no one is allowed to slack of."

She said looking over to me and then to rosé.

Little by little it was getting darker outside and I just stared out of the window...

One by one girls kept getting in the barn looking house which I suppose is where they usually live.

God, there aren't even electricity here!! Make your own little cult, no problem, but why you gotta make it ancient style?

" Hey, new girl, you need to sleep now, tomorrow will be tough day."Chaeyoung aka rose said...

"oh, I didn't get your name,,"

" Alina."

Oops.. Why did I blurt out my real name?!

Everyone made their own bed on the floor. I don't think I will be able to sleep, I slept almost the whole day today. What a day today was. In the span of a day I am turned from a scholar to a slave.

Falls asleep 10.6 seconds after she said that.

*1 week 2 days after

For what seemed like eternity to Alina, 1 week passed by of her being in this place which according to her is a mafia gang's secret cult.

"I can't anymore, washing these damn are even hurting more than 1 hours of weight training. "She spoke as she threw the stick into the river making water splash around.

(It's Because you take a 5 minutes break every 10 minutes) ╥﹏╥

"Look our queen is tired" Other girls said jokingly but as an competitive individual she was It hurt her ego.

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