Chapter 22 : Imagination

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Astonished by his own so daring imagination, He kept staring outside.

"What? I mean stuff like these are not a immense deal... Hahaha like who wouldn't be tempted within these situations." He had to justify him to himself. But who was he deceitful with, it wasn't the first time and he knew it.


"Your highness" The same old monotone voice answered.

"Report to me everything regarding that" He let himself drop off on the bed.

" About the rumor you asked to find out" He started his speech but quickly got cut of by junkyu.

"NO NO NO NO Not that one! I called you here to tangle my mind in other things- I I MEAN for reports on the overseas spies. But any.....ways....Now that u started..... finish talking"

"After much work, I found out that-"He paused.


"ehem.... T h a t "

" Yes, yes, What is that THAT?"

"Its that...."


"MISS ALINA IS PREGNANT" Chanyeol spat out.

As junkyu's brain was frozen, his body malfunctioned and tripped itself into falling down from the high bed.

" Nice Joke, Hyung. HAHA you should make some jokes once in a while!!! Laughter is great you know!? It enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs ad muscles AND increases the endorphin that are released by your brain !!"

" Your high-"

"YOU KNOW what else it does???? Activates and relieves stress responds! Soothe tension ! Improves immune system !! improves mood! Relieves Pain!! Ooooo- how thoughtful of you! I really needed to relive pain right now!!" He blabbered out whatever.

He looked at Chanyeol but the facial expression clearly indicates,

"Did you get hurt in your head somewhere alongside the arrow wound?"

" I'm afraid, this is the final answer I could come up with" He stated, again in the monotone.

" Would you please explain in DETAILS about the steps you took in order to come to this conclusion???" He almost laughed like a maniac about to eat Chanyeol alive.

" For the sake of secrecy, I and I alone worked on this project; The main source was tuning in to maiden gossips and keeping up with it. As you know, There is nothing that they do not know. All and everyone is no less than a top detective."

" After a whole 2 days of hard investigation, I finally managed to connect the dots"


"Sir- what? shi-teu?"

"just get out. OUT"

And just like that poor Chanyeol who just wanted to connect the dots got kicked out...

After this long tiring eventful day, He should have went into dreamland as soon as plopping on the bed.

But today, sleep just won't cooperate with him. Tossing and turning. He kept thinking bout earlier.

"What if I had died yesterday?

Who would've cared and who wouldn't? Who would cry at my memorials and who wouldn't bother to shed a tear? Who would i have freed from burden and who would've gotten burdened? Who would regret not making the best of their time with me and who would regret wasting their time on an unfortunate being?

What would've people remembered me by? "The ill-fated prince" No. There have been many ill-fated princes throughout history. "The ill-fated useless prince" would be a better description."

This incident made him re-evaluate his entire life and existence.

The faint light of Dawn kicks in through the windows. Just then, junkyu realized, his careless ass forgot to close the windows. At other times he must have made sure not get lectured by Chanyeol, but in this sleepless night, it was nothing but a trivial matter that slipped out of his mind.

Opening the doors, he walked out the stairs. The wound was stinging but that was not important. His eyes were just on reaching the doors.

He hesitated for a few minutes before carefully opening the doors. Making sure not to make a sound, he tiptoed to her bedside.

"you forgot to lock the doors again" he spoke softly while caressing her hair.

Last night's thinking session made him realize, nothing should be taken for granted and that includes Alina. He has acquired affection for her and he needs to show it. To her. Before hit gets any more late.

"What's going on here?" The newly recruited maiden asks the crowd at the garden.

"Hey, Newbie... Come here come here! You are just in time... news is about to start" Another girl pulls here with them.

" eheeem ladies... guess what valuable information I have found ~ "

" You have been doing that teasing for 5 minutes already! Cut to the chase! We have work to do!!"

" Ooooooh...look at you talking!! How could I share breaking news without raising suspension?! Now listen! Today! at dawn! I saw ! his majesty ! Come ! Out ! Of ! That girl's ! Room !"

Silent Gasping filled the crowd.

"That just adds to my theory that Alina is pregnant! See... Our majesty just fooled around with that punk at first and then later got tired of her, remember that silent time between them right?? That's when they broke up !! And after that It turns out Alina Is pregnant, so for the sake of hhis firstborn, he is marrying her." Someone else adds.

" Aren't you stretching your imagination too far!"


"Achoo" Haewon kept sneezing out loud in her room.

"Why does it feel like someone is talking about me?"

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A/N: It is 3 am. I couldn't sleep. Suddenly I remembered, I have a book thats been on pause for months... and that's how this chapter came to be.

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