Chapter 10: Valentine's Day

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Chase's P.O.V

Today is Valentines Day. Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, Tracker, Tuck and I got together a few days ago so we can plan and surprise each of our mates.

I'm taking Roxie for a candle light dinner at Big View Trail where we first became mates and then we are going for a moon lit walk on the beach.

Marshall's P.O.V

I can't believe today is Valentine's Day and that Rocky, Zuma, Tracker and I forgot about it. Luckily Chase remembered and told us so we can plan.

Anyway I'm planning to take Ella to Mr Porters for dinner then like Chase we'll have a nice moon lit walk on the beach.

Tracker's P.O.V

I'm taking Sweetie to the jungle so she can see my home and meet my jungle friends then a walk on the beach.

Zuma's P.O.V

I'm gonna take Skye to visit our Merpup friends in Puplantis then we'll walk on the beach in the moon light.

Rocky's P.O.V

I'm planning for Everest and I to go snowboarding followed by a walk on the beach in the moonlight.

Tuck's P.O.V

I'm planning to take Coral to see a movie and go for a moonlight walk on the beach.

Roxie's P.O.V

Today is Valentines Day and the girls and I with help from Ryder, Rubble and Rex have each made a collage of photos of our time together with our respective mates.

I know Chase, Marshall, Tracker, Rocky, Tuck and Zuma have something big planned for today but I don't know what all I heard the other day is something about the beach.

Anyway the girls and I are currently at Katie's getting baths so we can all look beautiful for our respective mates.

"I can't believe today is Valentines Day what do you think Chase, Marshall, Zuma, Tracker, Tuck and Rocky have got us?" Everest asks.

"No idea Everest but I did over hear something about the beach the other day." I tell them. After I say that my pup tag beeps.

"Hey Rox can you meet me at Big View Trail in an hour?" Chase asks over the pup tags. I look around and see Skye, Ella, Coral, Sweetie and Everest talking to their mates over their pup tags to.

"Sure Chase. I'll see you soon." I say ending the call. "Let me guess your mates want you to meet them somewhere?" I ask them.

"Yeah but we have to go to the Lookout and get the collages first." Ella says. "Then let's go. See you later Katie." Skye says. "Have fun pups." Katie says.

When we get to the Lookout I grab the collage of Chase and I before jumping into my pup house and transforming it into my truck.

"See you later girls." I say starting the engine. "See you Rox." Skye, Everest, Ella, Coral and Sweetie says as I start to drive to Big View Trail.

When I get there I see Chase sitting besides a candlelight dinner for two. "Did you do all this yourself my blue knight?" I ask him.

"I got our dinner from Mr Porters and you look beautiful my little hacker." Chase says to me. "Thanks Chase and I got you this." I say giving him the collage.

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