Chapter 3: The Newest Member Of The Paw Patrol

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Time skip five days after Chase saves Roxie. A/N Roxie will sit next to Tracker after they suit up and I have expanded the turntable thing so it can fit all the pup houses and not just 6 also Roxies vehicle turns into a recoloured version of Chases spy truck.

Roxie has been staying at the Lookout with Chase, and Ryder and the other pups and has grown close to Chase, Skye and Everest.

We see Skye, Everest and Roxie sitting underneath the tree near the Lookout talking about random things.

"You pups are so lucky having Ryder looking after you lot Skye as well as Jake and Carlos to look after Everest and Tracker respectively." Roxie says looking down.

"What's wrong Roxie?" Everest asks noticing her looking at the ground. "It's just I really want someone like that to look after me to." Roxie says looking at them.

Skye is about to respond when her and Everest's Puptags light up. "Paw Patrol to the Lookout." Ryder's voice comes from their Puptags.

"Ryder needs us." Skye says as Roxie puts her head back down in sadness. "You can come as well Roxie." Skye says.

After Skye says that she is tackled to the ground by Roxie. "Really?" Roxie asks. "Yes. Ryder probably won't mind." Skye says as Roxie gets off her and the three race to the lift.

When they get there Zuma notices Roxie with Skye and Everest. "What awe you doing here Woxie?" Zuma asks as Skye walks up to him and gives him a lick on the cheek.

"Everest and I let her join us she was feeling left out." Skye informs them. "Where's Marshall?" Rubble asks. "Wait for me." Marshall says running in but trips on a pup treat goes flying through the air and crashes into the other pups.

Roxie lands on top of Chase's back, Skye lands Zuma's back and Everest lands on Rocky's back. Tracker and Rubble land on the floor and Marshall lands sideways on them.

"I treated you all to a wipe out." Marshall says as the doors close with the pups laughing halfway up the pups change into their gear.

When the lift reaches the top they all jump out and sit in formation with Roxie sitting next to Tracker. "Paw Patrol ready for action Ryder sir." Chase says stomping his paw.

Ryder notices Roxie sitting next to Tracker and smiles. "Actually this is not a mission pups I called you all here because I want to introduce you to the newest member of the Paw Patrol." Ryder says as the pups all looked shocked apart from Chase.

"Newest member. Who is it." Rocky asks Ryder. "Roxie step forward." Ryder says as Roxie slowly walks up to him and sits in front of Ryder as he kneels down.

"Roxie Chase and I talked about this and we know you can not return to Foggy Bottom so I am offering you the chance to join us and be a part of our Family as our Techno pup. " Ryder says pulling out a black collar with a purple puptag with a white computer on it.

"Of course I will join Ryder." Roxie says. Ryder smiles and puts her new collar on her as the other pups howl with joy. Chase walks over to one of the bean bag chairs and pulls out a purple vest, helmet and pup pack bringing them back to Ryder.

"Thanks Chase. Roxie your helmet has heat vision goggles as well as a flashlight in case you need to see in the dark and your pup pack has a USB so you can download anything as well as a zip line so you can reach high places and it also has a laptop for you to use to hack any computer in the world if needed." Ryder explains while Roxie is getting her new gear on.

"Thank you Ryder." Roxie says jumping into his arms and giving him a lick on the cheek. "No problem pup but it's not over yet there is a surprise waiting for you at the bottom of the slide." Ryder says as Roxie jumps down and runs to the slide going down much like Chase does.

The turntable turns until a purple pup house is lined up with the slide. "Roxie." The top of her pup house and she lands in it and barks and it turns into an exact copy of Chases spy truck.

"Like it Roxie?" Ryder asks as he and the rest of the pups walk out of the Lookout. "I do Ryder thank you." Roxie says.

"Now since your vehicle is the same as Chases spy truck Chase will teach you how to drive it." Ryder says. "Chase is on the case." Chase says as he jumps beside Roxie to teach her how to drive.

"We will leave you to it." Ryder says as he and the other pups head inside to watch Apollo the superpup. An hour later Chase and Roxie walk in and lay down in between Skye and Rocky see there is space for the both of them.

"How did it go amigos?" Tracker asks. "It went great Roxie learned fast." Chase says as the rest of the pups turn and look at him and Roxie. "Well I had a great teacher." Roxie says smiling at Chase who smiles back.

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