Chapter 11: Some old friends deliver a warning to Roxie

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Jade's POV

It has been a few months since Delta and I last saw Roxie and we know she is save in Adventure Bay and has joined the PAW Patrol as their Techno/Hacker pup.

Delta and I are walking around Foggy-bottom when we see Buddy and Buster talking to each other. We sneak up to hear what they are say.

"We need to get to that freak and finish her soon brother as well as that German Shepherd who stopped us last time." Buddy says.

"Indeed brother we should kill the German Shepard first that way the freak will be easier to kill." Buster says as they walk off.

"We need to warn Roxie." Delta says. "Agreed let's move." I say. Delta and I run to the train station and hop on the train to Adventure Bay after telling the Engineer that we need to get to Adventure Bay fast.

Time skip

We arrive at Adventure Bay train station and hop off. "Roxie should be at the Lookout just across the bridge pups." The Engineer tells us.

"Thank you Mr Engineer." Delta and I say as we head into town. After we cross the bridge we see a familiar pup coming down the road from the Lookout.

"ROXIE!" Delta and I yell getting her attention. Roxie looks up and sees us. A smile spreads across her face. "Delta. Jade." Roxie says as Delta and I run up to her.

The three of us hug as a group of pups and a male human teenager walk up to us. "What's going on and who are these pups Hacker?" The German Shepard asks after we brake the hug.

"These are my friends Jade and Delta like me they are the only ones of their breeds in Foggy-bottom Chase." Roxie says.

"Nice to meet you two. I'm Ryder and these are my pups Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rocky, Rubble, Zuma, Everest, Tracker, Sweetie, Tuck, Ella, Coral and Rex also know as the PAW Patrol." Ryder says pointing to each pup as he names them.

"So what are you girls doing here?" Rocky asks us. "We came to warn you Roxie. Buddy and Buster are planning to kill Chase in order to get to you so they can kill you too we overheard them and came here as fast as we could." Delta says and I nod.

Roxie starts to shake in fear. "It's going to be ok Rox they won't get to you as long as I am here." Chase says as Roxie buries her head in his chest.

Roxie slowly calms down before she removes her head from Chases chest and  licks his cheek. "Thank you Chase." Roxie says.

As Chase is comforting Roxie I look over to Rex and I feel my heartbeat speed up. "Do you know when?" Skye asks us. "No they never said a day or time." I say.

"Chase stay with Roxie at all times." Ryder says. "Yes sir Ryder sir and permission to us lethal force if necessary?" Chase asks confusing the other pups and I.

"Permission granted. Jade you and Delta can stay at the Lookout for the night if you both would like." Ryder says. "We'd love to Ryder." Delta and I say together.

"Then let's head up I'm in no mood to play now." Roxie says. As we walk up to the Lookout I notice that the pups have paired up.

Chase and Roxie, Zuma and Skye, Rocky and Everest, Tracker and Sweetie, Tuck and Coral, and Marshall and Ella are all walking side by side.

I notice Rex and Rubble are walking by themselves so I walk up besides Rex as Delta walks up to be beside Rubble. Once we arrive at the Lookout Ryder heads inside while the pups and I sit under a tree and talk.

"Chase what did you mean when you asked Ryder if you could use lethal force if necessary?" Everest asks Chase. "I'll tell you all but you may not like it." Chase says.

We all nod. "As you know I'm a police pup and that means I'm trained to use weapons lethal force is a last resort I hope to never use. What it is is me using a modified 44 Magnum pistol in my pup pack that fires on a specific bark. Basically what I asked Ryder for is permission to kill Buddy and Buster if needed." Chase says.

"Oh." We all say. "Yeah." Chase say before he gets up and walks to a blue pup house. "I'll talk to him." Roxie says getting up and following him.

"Is something going on with Chase and Roxie?" Delta asks. "Chase and Roxie are mates." Skye says. "Good for her." I say happy for my best friend.

"Marshall and Ella are mates, so Tracker and Sweetie, Rocky and Everest, Tuck and Coral, and Skye and I." Zuma says. "What about Rex and Rubble?" Delta asks.

"Rubble and I don't have mates." Rex says as Rubble nods his head. (He's single.) I think to myself looking at Rex feeling my heartbeat speed up.

"Delta and I don't have mates either." I say as Delta nods her head.

Delta's POV

"Rubble and I don't have mates." Rex says as Rubble nods his head. (He's single.) I think to myself while looking at Rubble feeling my heartbeat speed up.

"Delta and I don't have mates either." Jade says as I nod my head.

Rubble POV

"Rubble and I don't have mates." Rex says as I nod my head. "Delta and I don't have mates either." Jade says as Delta nods her head.

(She's single.) I think to myself while looking at Delta and I feel my heartbeat speed up.

Rex's POV

"Rubble and I don't have mates." I say as Rubble nods his head in agreement. "Delta and I don't have mates either." Jade says as Delta nods her head.

(She's single.) I think to myself while looking at Jade and I feel my heartbeat speed up. We sit and just talk for a few hours and Roxie and Chase join us again as it starts to get dark.

"Pups time for bed!" Ryder calls out. We get up and head to our pup houses. "Where are Delta and Jade gonna sleep?" Everest asks.

"Well Jade can stay in in pup house with me if she wants to." I say. "Sure. Thanks Rex." Jade says. "Delta can stay with me in my pup house if she wants." Rubble says.

"Sure. Thanks Rubble." Delta says. "No problem." Rubble and I say together as Chase, Roxie, Marshall, Ella, Rocky, Everest, Zuma, Skye, Tracker, Tuck, Coral and Sweetie shoot the two of us a knowing look.

"Now that is settled night pups." Roxie says as her and Chase walk into his pup house. "Night." The rest of us say heading into our pup houses.

"Good night Rex." Jade says. "Good night Jade." I say as we lay down and fall asleep.

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