Chapter 5 - Permission.

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Apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Found the trailer for the maze runner movie ;)
I was in my treehouse getting ready for the meeting where I introduce myself to the other gladers. I knew this was going to be hard as they would have a lot of questions...I guess I was preparing for the worst.

As I was ready I took a few extra knifes just in case someone were to do something, not that I wanted to hurt anyone. But just for protection I guess.

As I nervously started walking towards homestead I spotted Newt running his hands through his hair waiting outside the homestead. A small smile came onto my face that I tried to hide.

I walked up to him and went on my tip toes so I could wrap my arms around his neck giving him a huge hug, Newt seemed startled at first but he relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me in closer to place his face in the crook of my neck, causing his breath to give me goosebumps. We stood there for about 2 minutes just holding each other into our embraces. He smelt like smoky cinnamon with rich woody undertones. God I loved it.

I slowly let go and took a deep breath and told him "newt I'm scared of what they might think of me or what they might ask me or w—"

He took my hands in his and cut me off saying "I'll be here the whole time, just give me a sign if you need help or a break've got this."

His reassurance was actually really helpful. I took a deep breath and walked into the homestead with Newt following behind.
I walked down the stairs and took a seat so everyone was facing me.

"Hi my name is Hazel Grace and I have Insomnia...any questions?"

Everyone's hands jolted up with a question except Newt who gave a reassuring rod.

Alby talked first "when did you get here?"

"I was first 3 year ago" I replied with a shrug, which made most of the gladers gasp.

"Why should I believe you?"

"Well when you came up in the box you got out and tripped on your own foot falling face flat on the ground giving you a giant lump of a bruise on your forehead, then when Newt came up next he made fun of you for it, till it went away...believe me yet?"

He gave me a slight nod and looked down, I think I embarrassed him a little.

"but why didn't show yourself to us" Gally said sternly.

"I came up in the box scared shitless, spent one month alone and outcomes a boy out of the box, I didn't know him neither did I trust him and you expect me to come out. after a few months more boys came in and I started getting used to the lifestyle I created and it just became too late to show myself" I replied quickly as my hands began to shake which only Newt noticed so he quietly coughed a little to make sure I was okay, so I gave him a slight nod back giving him reassurance that I was indeed okay.

Gally then shrugged as if he sort of understood why I didn't come out...I wasn't really sure.

"So How long have you know Newt"Alby asked as he scratches the back of his neck, making Newt stand up straight, and all the boys lean forward giving their full attention.

"We first met on the day the grievers came in so only 2 days" I replied as I looked him in the eye as he slightly smiled with one raised eyebrow looking back at me intensely making me erupt in goosebumps and have a strong feeling of butterfly's in my stomach.

"Okay, well where did you get all the gear like the knives, bow and arrow and the different clothes" Minho asked curiously cutting the tension of mine and Newts eye contact.

Hidden in plain sight - maze runner, newt fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now