Chapter 18 - bertha

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Apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes
Warning bad language. Eg. b*tch = bitch.
Thomas's POV.

A percussive sound boomed against his face making me jolt up to see what's happening.

"I suggest you talk, you son of a b*tch" Jorge shouted slapping the man tied up to the chair.

"I'm sorry your going to have to leave my house" the man replied Turing to the side to spit out some blood, making me stand up.

"Listen I don't enjoy hurting you" Jorge said while flaunting his arms around aggressively. "Where is the right arm, Marcus" Jorge demanded.

"Wait this is Marcus" I asked talking a slight step closer to the action.

"Are you the brains of the operation" Marcus sniggered looking me straight in the eye.

"I know you know where there hiding" Jorge exclaimed pulling his hair up to make his eyes meet his. Jorge continued "So you tell me, and I'll make you a deal."

I zoned out for a bit taking in the new information and atmosphere. till I tuned in again.

"I change my mind...I do enjoy hurting you" Jorge exclaimed kicking the chair down making Marcus fall down on his back with a thud giving off vibrations from the ground, Jorge grabs his gun and puts it to Marcus's head "talk" he shouted spitting onto Marcus.

"Okay jesus...but I'm not making any promises" Marcus exclaimed. "These guys like to move around." Jorge pulled him back up form the ground to sit straight.

As he heavily breathed he answered "they have an output in the mountains, but it's a long way away, you got half of WCKD on your ass, your never going to make it" he evilly chuckled.
Sick bastard is what i thought.

"Not on foot" Jorge replied to lean down and place his hands on Marcus's
shoulders..."Where's Bertha".

"Not Bertha" Marcus begged.

In the car.

we got in the light blue rustic car (we figured this is Bertha). well this is where I catch you guys up. It's been 3 weeks since we left WCKD and 1 week ago we met Jorge and Brenda who are helping us to find the right arm.

Quick catch up we're all alright, well kind of. recently Winston unfortunately got infected and decided to take his life to get ride of the excruciating pain.

Also a week ago Newt had an awful panic attack...he freaked out, tears streaming down his face making him angry and frustrated leading to violence where he started throwing things...he became completely broken without Hazel. He needs live. The panic attack started when noticed he could no longer remember Hazel's voice, it was awful he was hyperventilating. But what was worse was Teresa decided to comfort kissing him. He pushed her off showing sudden weakness but it was definitely a complete shock, not of the fact he pushed her off but the kiss even though it lasted only a few seconds. Newt hasn't been the same since... it's worse.
We need to find Hazel before Newt can't take it anymore.

Once we got in the car I noticed newt next to me was grinning from ear to ear showing off his light dimples...he seemed overjoyed that he was closer to my sister...his love.


As we entered a dusting clearing in the mountains we all got out of Bertha and noticed random cars along the Sandy road. As I went to inspect it I noticed a bullet hole in one of them but before I could say anything someone tried to shoot at us "get down, get down" I shouted as we all ran and covered behind the cars.

"STOP, STOP" I heard a man shout. The bullets stopped flying at us as the man came close.

"Sorry we thought you were cranks" he said giving me his hand to pull me up. He had black curly hair, a narrow nose, a scar along his eyebrow, a bright friendly smile, muscular build, taller than me but shorter than Newt."So where you guys heading?"

"The right arm" Minho replied stepping forward.

"Well you found us, I'm Ryder by the way, come Ill show you." He answered leading us to a car. "Get in."

We all got in the car and he lead us to a clearing past other cars and storage boxes to where a woman stood.
"Welcome to the right arm, my names Alissa, before we go in I'm going to take you to see the army from above where you can ask any questions and I'll give you a light rundown of information before we start the tour" we all stood in silence as we listen to her.

She lead us to a giant hill that when we got up to the top we saw a beautiful circle of houses on top of each other like favelas facing one another, bright lights and children running and laughing with each other, it was a sight showing us how incredible life can be. We sat down and we looked at all the different people.

"Well before we get started let me show you our leaders, first Vince and Mary the main leaders of the right arm." She then continued as she pointed at each person for us to see their faces "Mary works in the main medical area whereas Vince works everywhere making sure that everything's in order. And last but not least our general at the moment she's taking a break from her job because she's on maternity leave since she's pregnant...Hazel Grace".

Everyone stood up straight, with recognition dawned on their faces as they get a heavy feeling in their stomachs, as eyes began to water, and gasps were taken that's when we saw her.

There she was Hazel Grace...pregnant...or just really fat.

What will Newt think to see you pregnant...happy, guilt, hurt, disgust?
What will Thomas think?
What about Teresa?
How will Hazel Grace take it to find out both Winston, Gally and Chuck are dead?
How will she find out about newt and Teresa.

Find out in the next chapter of hidden in plain sight

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