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i'm back
Percy's POV

this sucks. Percy thought just a few minutes ago his uncle introduced him to high society as his nephew and heir why couldn't tim or Dick be the heir i mean their both smarter than me

Percy's cheeks hurt from all the pinching and smiling, and his feet are tired from all the standing. Honestly what would a kid have to do to get out of this hell hole. atleast i'm finally dismissed from all the introducing and greetings. Percy thought

as of right now Percy is standing in the corner of the big ball room apple juice box in hand. and his sulking, his cheeks red and his hair a mess. all of alfred's hard work Percy thought grimly

"your look like you've been through a war."

a voice suddenly says percy looks up and sees Dick

"this sucks. can i leave?" percy whines

Dick chuckles and ruffles percys hair and Percy removes Dicks hand annoyed

"i have to ask B first"

percy groans after hearing this

"good luck. uncle bruce is practically surrounded by rich white old men and women who want to get into his pants at the moment. it's annoying. i hate those people and their cheek pinching hands." Percy rants and Dick just looks at him with a knowing look


percy hears people screaming and running out

"What's that?!" Percy asked panicked

Dick moved to shield Percy in the corner evidently also covering Percys view

suddenly Percy heard a maniac laughter that sent shivers down his spine

"hey there brucie heard you have a new little member to your family and even better yet one with the wayne blood" a sick voice said from the center of the room of course percy didn't know that for sure but it sounded like it

"what do you want joker. please leave or else i'll call batman." Percy heard uncle bruce's voice say

"nothing much just wanna meet the kid let them meet their uncle J" that sick voice Uncle J apparently said

wait uncle J? am i related to this creep ugh i'm already related to other weirdos now add another to the list percy thought dreadfully
putangina percy thought, it was something he learned from ally, apparently it mean fuck or something

"Dick who's that?!" percy thought frantically his gut feeling telling percy that this uncle J person is not someone percy would want to be around and as a demigod he learned that he should always follow his instincts

"joker." is all that dick says face serious venom evident in his voice

"what type of name is that? what he's gonna do crack terrible dad jokes until you go insane?" percy asked sticking out his tongue in disgust at the end and to that dick chuckled

"a terrible one apparently" dick said kinda amused "we have to find tim and get out of here"

"i'm right here you doofuses" i hear tim's voice say

"oh good let's get out of here" dick says and proceeds to put me over his shoulder! i hate him. and he grabs tim and dashes out of here

anyways while me and dick have been having this lovely conversation a lot of people have fled the ballroom and a new guy with a red bucket over his head has shown up i think his name is red robin? i'm not sure

anyways i'm starting to feel dizzy because of how the dickwad is carrying me and i'm starting to see black and

oh i'm passing out oh well

i know this is rushed but i wanted to give ya'll a chapter

~•⭐️•~i know this is rushed but i wanted to give ya'll a chapter

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to be continued

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