what if percy wasn't able to save his mom?
what if he finds out his mom has a older brother and starts to live with his uncle?
read to find out more
2023 edit: full disclaimer before you start reading i made this in 2020 on a whim so the...
i woke up yet again in my big soft bed but this time i'm in a pair of white silk pajamas with black lining their pretty comfy not gonna lie
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(like this one ^)
but too fancy for my tastes i don't remember buying this so maybe alfred bought it for me? anyways my uncle told me we were going to this rich kid school that I'm gonna go to this school year I'm already used to going to these types of schools due to my mom sending me to all those boarding schools but the huge difference is these rich kids parents actually care for them. unlike the ones at my old schools these ones might be more spoiled
i should probably wear a casual but fancy looking outfit after i shower
i'm pretty proud of myself this outfit was pretty nice it seems that alfred got me some fancy looking shirts since most of the clothes i choose were pretty casual
i wore a white collared shirt and a blue V-neck sweater on top of it and some birch colored pants and plain white vans
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(like this ^)
it seems that i woke up a bit later then yesterday since when i came down bruce and dick and jason were already eating breakfast
"good morning" i said with a fake small smile i was still not close enough with them and i was still kinda depressed about mom
"good morning percy" dick said also with a smile but this one was bigger and genuine
"good morning." bruce said while taking a sip of his coffee
"morning." jason said while eating his toast not smiling
"where's tim?"
"sick." jason said with a bit of guilt in his voice?
we ate breakfast in silence after we were done bruce started to talk
"so today we will go to gotham academy to get Percy here enrolled we will leave shortly go fix up"
i nodded
"is jason and dick coming with us?
"nope i'm staying at my friends house today" dick replied
"i'm joining dick." jason said
i stil dont know what to think of jason he seems sad and grumpy all the time while dick is super polite and nice while tim is shy but really cool
i headed to my room to try and fix my hair but it was futile my hair will never be not messy i sighed
"PERCY TIME TO GO" i hear uncle bruce shouting from bellow
putting the hair brush down at the table i speed walked down stairs and saw uncle bruce already waiting near the door
"come on now the car is ready" uncle bruce said while fixing up his tie
uncle bruce is always wearing a suit i thought to myself
we arrive to this castle looking building it looked old and victorian a stern looking lady was waiting for us outside she reminded me of Mrs Dodds but instead of a leather jacket she wore a suit uncle bruce came out the car
"Ahh Mr.Wayne so nice to see you again this must be Mr Perseus?" the woman said as i was getting out the car
"it's nice to see you again too Ms.Hills yes this is my nephew Perseus Wayne." uncle bruce gestured his hand toward me
"nice to meet you Ms" i said politely
"nice to meet you too now let's get inside so you can take the placement exams it's like a IQ test" Ms hills informed us as she gestured toward the entrance to the castl- i mean school
the inside of the school was beautiful i wonder how anna beth would react to this "wow" was all that i managed to say while looking around in awe
uncle bruce chuckled a bit and smirked while Ms hills looked unfazed like she was used to this kind of reaction
"yes yes this place is quite amazing now lets enter my office so that you can take the placement test i've heard you have ADHD and dyslexia am i right? don't worry we can help you with that" Ms hills said while opening a door to what i presume was her office
i was probably gonna do bad on the placement test since i considered myself pretty stupid the subjects were easy it's just they were too boring for me to put in any effort but this time i'm pretty determined i guess i still remember the lessons from yancy that i half heartedly listened to knowing i won't even put in any effort in anything they'll give me why am i so determined well i don't want to look bad infront of my 'uncle' i have to make a way to atleast say thanks and i'm gonna do that with good grades.
BRUCE POV(A/N: i dont really know much about his personality so i'm just gonna make him strict but loving and over protective)
after percy toke the exams he was sent on a tour while i talked to Ms hills about how he did during the placement test and his enrolment
"how did Percy do?" i asked masking my concern
"he did pretty well for his age he has a above average IQ and can even skip a few grades if he wanted to" Ms hills said while looking at his results
"that's great i'll ask him if he wants to skip a few grades or not thank you Ms hills" and with that i left to go find Percy
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