Chapter 1

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Luke sighed, and Obi-Wan couldn't blame him. "I wish I knew more about him," he said.

You sure about that?

Just as he was about to open his mouth to reminisce about Anakin, the brother he'd once loved, and tell a lie to Luke so true that even he himself could believe it - let's just say that was when the Force decided it was bored.

The ground dropped out from beneath them.

They felt like they were falling a few feet.

And then...

Obi-Wan was rubbing his eyes like he was waking up from having been asleep or unconscious - though he was standing up. He blinked a few times, looked around, and came to the reasonable conclusion that he was not on Tatooine anymore.

His eyes scoured the room for Luke. Where was he? Wait - where was this? When Obi-Wan's eyes fell upon the kid who definitely looked like Anakin, he said, "Luke?"

The blue eyes turned on him, and his mouth was in a teasing smile. "Okay, now who in the galaxy is Luke?" Yikes, the kid looked even more like Anakin when he wasn't under the two suns, apparently.

Obi-Wan's eyebrows furrowed. "You. Although, you look more like Anakin then you usually do." His voice felt weirder, and different, but it was his voice - just like he hadn't been living on Tatooine and never getting enough water.

The boy rolled his eyes. "Very funny master. Now come on, Ahsoka is arriving soon and I want to be there when she lands!"

Obi-Wan blinked.


Luke shouldn't know who that is.

And "master" was something Anakin had called him... Luke would just say "Ben" to address him...

Obi-Wan took a step back. "Anakin?"

Anakin raised an eyebrow. "That would be my name."


"Seriously master, you're beginning to scare me," Anakin told him. "What is going on?"

"I have no kriffing idea, Anakin! You shouldn't be here! You're gone forever, and I don't even live here anymore -"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on." Anakin put his hands on Obi-Wan's shoulders. At the contact he sucked in a breath. He hadn't touched Anakin in forever, but here he was, and this was Anakin - normal, nice, breathing Anakin - acting like their friendship was very much intact. "What do you mean, I'm 'gone forever?' I'm dead? Apparently? And you don't technically live here, I suppose..."

Obi-Wan took a deep breath. Time travel's not a thing, time travel's not a thing, time travel's not a thing...

"Did you have a scary vision or something?" Anakin suggested. "Because I've had scary visions and trust me, I know how real they can be -"


THERE WAS THAT VOICE! See, now that he could hear Luke again, he'd stop hallucinating and everything would go back to normal!

"Ben, where are we? This isn't Tatooine."

His hopes deflated.

Time travel it is, his weary brain sighed.

Anakin wrinkled his nose. "Tatooine? Ugh, I hate that place."

Luke turned to Anakin. "Tell me about it! And all that sand -"

When the Force Gets Bored (Star Wars Time Travel AU)Where stories live. Discover now