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Chancellor Amidala was always very busy, what with her relatively new position in the Republic. But still, a chancellor with a family could always make time for said family, so as she stood outside the door of her apartment, listening at the conversation inside, she smiled.

"...so then, I did this epic backflip. And basically Obi-Wan spun around at met me with a clash , and then we kept swinging at each other but you know he's the one who trained me so I already knew everything he was going to do and I already knew everything he was going to do, and then boom suddenly we're above a bunch of lava and we're just balancing on different scraps of metal and then -"

"You're embellishing," she said with a slight laugh as she made her surprise entrance. And yes, Anakin was surprised.

"Padmé!" He embraced her, and she laughed as he pulled back and gave her a look.

"I wasn't embellishing though. Obi-Wan shared every detail with me. At first I was like, 'Obi-Wan, I don't want to hear about evil me,' but then he told me it involved balancing on scraps of metal on top of lava while our perfectly matched forms clashed and I just had to know!"

She glanced over to where Obi-Wan was sitting, and he shrugged and nodded. "Everything Anakin is saying is true."

"Okay, that's just epic ," Luke said, in awe.

"It is epic," Anakin agreed. "Until the part where he decides to chop me up and let me burn on the lava banks of Mustafar, that part is very not epic."

The twins blinked twice. Then Leia said, "Well I mean, you deserved it."

"Leia! You're my daughter !"

Leia shrugged. "You're kriffing Darth Vader! You know. The guy who had me captured for information on the rebellion right before this Force thing decided to dump me into the past?"

"Sorry, can't imagine," Anakin told her.

"Think if a black hole was a human and it had really, really bad asthma."

"She's even sassier than I am," Luke remarked.

Padmé rolled her eyes and shook her head with a smile. This was her family. A bit chaotic, but home. She turned to Obi-Wan. "Has the council made a decision yet?"

"They're never going to," Obi-Wan told her assuredly. "I mean, what are they going to do, expel him? They honestly had some inkling that Anakin had some sort of affair going on with you but elected to ignore it, deciding he was just struggling with attachment. Never in a million lifetimes would they have guessed married with two children . He's essentially said, I don't care about the code one little bit and you guys hate me anyway so why should I ?"

"Aaaand he admits the council hates me. Finally!" Anakin looked to the sky, thanking the Force. "He finally admits it!"

"No, Anakin, not all of them do, beginning with me. And Plo Koon. But my point is, you've proven to be an asset. And also proved to be the Chosen One. I mean, I didn't tell them about the whole turning-to-the-dark-side thing, of course. But every meeting where you come up, it's just, 'Meditate on it, we will,' and the discussion is over."

"In other words, I'm totally off the hook," Anakin concluded. "Sweet! You hear that Padmé? We can be married for reals now! Like, without it being a secret! Raise our children together! And take care of the ones who the Force plopped back here too!"

"The weirdest part is that upstairs, right now, there's a two-week-old version of me sleeping," Leia said with a weird look on her face.

"Same with me. And in eighteen years, they're going to look exactly like me ."

"Now that's a matter that's come up," Obi-Wan said carefully. "Luke and Leia - um, the newborns, not the grown teenadults - are obviously going to be very powerful in the Force. I mean, they're Anakin's children. So -"

"No," Anakin said.

"You haven't even heard -"

"The council wants to kidnap my kids and brainwash them into becoming emotionless servants of the Force. They can be Jedi with personality ."

"Well who's going to train them, you?"

"Of course me!"

"Anakin -"

"How about," Padmé interrupted, "ten years for Anakin and I to raise them, then the council can have them and make them into Jedi. Like Anakin. Deal?"

Anakin pouted about it, but a few looks from his wife got him to sigh and reluctantly agree to that. "Tell the council that is the only option in which they become Jedi trained at the temple. Otherwise, my kids are mine . They will not be stolen."

Obi-Wan realized that this was about as lenient as Anakin was going to be, so he sighed. "I will bring it up with the council. Give them something about you to discuss that isn't whether or not you need to get kicked out."

Padmé sighed when she noticed the time. Time to go be Chancellor Amidala again. "Well, I have to go. Meetings, and all that. Remember, Anakin: if Luke and Leia - the little ones, I mean - wake up, you need to feed them and then play with them quietly. Their older counterparts can help as well. There will be no sitting them on the couch in front of a Holofilm and just leaving them . Remember what happened last time." And then she was off, not bothering to answer Obi-Wan's question that he called after her, panicked, as she walked out:

" What happened last time ?!"

And that is the conclusion of my first fic on Wattpad in years!

I did upload all the chapters in the last three minutes (February 12, 2021) because I copied them from my AO3 account. I honestly forgot I  had a Wattpad.

Anyway, let me know what you think!


When the Force Gets Bored (Star Wars Time Travel AU)Where stories live. Discover now