Chapter 3

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"So let me get this straight," Rex said as he walked alongside his general, former commander, and two people apparently from the future. "That kid there -" he pointed at Luke "- is the general and senator's son from the future."


"And he has a twin sister somewhere out there in the other timeline."


"And the general dies."


"To General Grievous."


"And all the Jedi get slaughtered, and the Republic becomes an Empire, and I have a chip in my head that's going to make me try to kill you ?"


Rex clutched his head. " Arrrrgh !"

"By the way," Obi-Wan, who was still incredibly worn out, added, "I should probably mention that Anakin... indirectly caused all of this to happen."

Anakin stopped walking. "Hold on. What?"

"Yeah," Ahsoka said, her eyes furrowed. She was just as confused as Anakin. "What?"

"Like, I get that the twins are my fault," Anakin allowed. "And... I must have been really distracted to lose to General Grievous , so that is probably on me too. But the Jedi getting slaughtered? The Empire? The inhibitor chips ?"

"It was all a part of the grand plan of the Sith," Obi-Wan explained, his voice extremely careful... and Rex had a feeling he was hiding a little something from them. He prepared for a half-truth. "Darth Sidious... that is, Palpatine -" Anakin's fists clenched and Ahsoka put a hand on his arm "- which also included Anakin's turn to the dark side." He quickly added, "Whichobviouslydoesn'thappenbecausehegetskilledbyGrievousfirst."

"So, how is it my fault then?"

"Because without you there would be no plan!"

"I highly doubt that, master -"

"Guys," Luke interrupted. "Can you explain this in terms that I understand? I don't know what the chips are all about really, and who is Grievous? Also. I have a sister. Helloooo, I'm here too, and I'm just as clueless as you guys!"

Five minutes later...

"So the good guys become bad guys and then a bunch of them die and the rest become good again ?"


Luke let out a breath. "Please tell me my family dynamics are not going to cause two thousand and twenty problems."

"They are," Obi-Wan and Ahsoka said at the same time. Then Obi-Wan eyed her. "How do you know? You're not from the future."

"Well, yes, but I know the way Skywalker works. You inherit the name, you inherit the shenanigans," Ahsoka rationalized. Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex, and Luke shrugged and accepted her point."

"Fair," Obi-Wan said.

Five minutes later...


"I mean your sister grew up in a core world as a princess," Obi-Wan smoothly repeated. "Listen, it wasn't my idea. Or maybe it was. It wasn't entirely!"

Luke facepalmed.

Ten minutes later...

"That's the alarm! That means..." Obi-Wan thought for a moment. "That Rex is a commander now, the 501st is splitting up, and half is going with Rex and Ahsoka to Mandalore to fight Maul. Anakin and I are going to rescue the chancellor - wait."

"Yeah, wait. What do you mean I'm a commander?" Rex put his hands in front of him. "We already have a commander."

"Technically I'm not anymore," Ahsoka said with a sad smile.

"I think Obi-Wan is more considering the fact that I'm slicing the chancellor's head off next time I see him, making it quite hard to 'rescue' him," Anakin said to Rex."

"Ah. That."

"Anakin. Can you not chop off his head?" Obi-Wan requested tiredly. He knew the answer.

"No! Well, maybe yes. Or I could puncture his chest! Or I could yeet my lightsaber at him and turn it on with the Force as I do so. Or I could -"

" Anakin ," Obi-Wan interrupted, and he registered that the look on his face was one he hadn't used in twenty years - because he reserved it solely for dealing with Anakin. It was almost scary how quickly it came back to him. "Please refrain from killing the chancellor."

"Obi-Wan he is a Sith ! And I know for certain Sith don't have any weird rules about their spirits passing into people when they die or anything, that sounds like the plot of some movie incompetent writers trying to get money from a generation-inspiring franchise."

"Just... please, Anakin? Let us discuss how to sort this out -"

"With the council?" Anakin finished, his face hardening.

"...that's not what I was going to say, Anakin. I mean among us: The time travellers." Anakin relaxed a little bit.


"And Luke?" Ahsoka pointed out. "How do we explain the presence of a random, crazy-Force-sensitive being showing up? It is really hard to hide a Skywalker. Mostly because they sneak out and find ways to get themselves into even more trouble, and trying to get out of that trouble they cause thirty more problems, and suddenly they descend into chaos and eventually rise out of it over the time period of a few days, weeks if it's particularly bad. This is how Skywalkers roll."

"I'm sure I'm nothing like my father," Luke defended, but Obi-Wan shook his head.

"Luke. You've tried running away from home. Also, I've been watching over you and I am certain -"

"Fine, fine, I get it." Luke huffed.

"Since it's definitely not going to be productive to tell either of you to stay out of trouble, we'll stick with may the Force be with you ," Ahsoka said to the two present Skywalkers. "Now Luke. Your name is Luke... um..."

"Lars," he suggested. "It's my aunt and uncles' name."

"Luke Lars," she agreed. "In the last two years, I happened upon Tatooine and found you there, and you were Force-sensitive so I took you away from there and we've been travelling and getting into Skywalker-level shenanigans together, though you are in no way related to Anakin . Even though you look like him. Got it?"

Luke nodded. "Got it."

"Now let's go rescue - er, murder the chancellor!" Anakin said confidently.

" Anakin ! Ugh, just... go with Ahsoka to Mandalore. Your son can come with me." Obi-Wan huffed and grabbed Luke's arm. "Come on. I need to make sure Anakin does not murder the chancellor."

"Why? He's a..." Luke tried to remember the term. "...Hits Lord?"

"Close enough. But I don't want Anakin murdering anyone in cold blood." Obi-Wan dragged him off, huffing with all the tiredness he was dealing with, realizing the long day ahead of them. "May the Force be with you!" He frustratedly called over his shoulder as he dragged a confused Luke out.

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