Chapter 5

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Leia blinked.

Though she hadn't exactly wanted to be captured, she knew it was worth the risk for her cause. Unfortunately, she had been captured. Annoying.

For her, that had been about the time that the Force decided it was bored with how things were playing out, and the next thing Leia knew she was staring, in the face, a person who looked very much like her. And was actually wearing her hair in the same buns.

"Excuse me," Leia said, in a way that she could even fool herself into thinking she was just being professional and had definitely not just literally fallen out of her handcuffs. "But you are a rather funny disguise for a stormtrooper, I'll give you that. I hope you know you can't fool me into thinking you're here to rescue me or something like that. This has been very sudden but -"

"Yes, it was sudden. I am afraid you just appeared out of thin air," the woman said, confusion showing on her face. "I suppose I should be used to strange things happening about now."

"This is a rather high-tech attempt for stormtroopers, so I'm positive Vader's behind all this. Your objective is to fool me into giving you information or spilling that I'm in the rebel alliance. Well joke's on you, because I am not a part of the rebel alliance."

The other woman raised an eyebrow. "You appear out of thin air and give a speech about how you're not a sepratist?"

Now Leia was confused. "Sepratist? Is that what they're calling the rebels now?"

"They have been for a matter of years," she informed her.

"That's new."

"Not really, no." The woman held out her hand to shake. "I don't know what you mean by 'stormtroopers,' but I'm Senator Padmé Amidala."

Leia took a step back while she processed this. Oh, she knew that name, all right. Her father had told her all about the woman who loved democracy, the hero of the Republic. But now the republic was dead, and, uh... so was Senator Amidala.


"You're dead," Leia said, her eyebrows furrowed. "You're dead !"

"Death threats are certainly not what I expected upon introduction," Senator Amidala admitted (but it couldn't be her, because she was dead ). "I'll admit, you do sound like a sepratist when you talk like that -"

"No. Senator, you're already dead. Twenty years ago. You died. Official records say from strangulation, but my father says that you died of sadness."


"Sorry, that was passive aggressive. But yes, you basically lost the will to live."

"I... what? Why? Who? Where? When ?"

"I don't know! He was very secretive about the whole thing. Either way, you shouldn't be here, because you're dead. You've not been alive since the days of the republic."

Padmé Amidala - but it couldn't be, right? Cause she was dead - froze. "What do you mean, 'since the days of the Republic?'"

Leia gave her a weird look. "I mean, since the days of the Republic. I think you lived just long enough to see Palpatine declared himself the Emperor of the galaxy."

The dead senator took a step back, like she'd been stung. "Listen... what you're talking about would be the end of the Clone Wars."

"Yes!" Finally, something that Leia knew to be true !

"...I'm not even going to address the fact that Palpatine wins over both the republic and sepratist. I'm sorry but... this is the Clone Wars."

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