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Selena was sat in the waiting room of the hospital, her niece May was cuddled up to her chest fast asleep. She had no idea what was happening, and to be fairly honest Selena didn't either. She couldn't believe what had happened in the past year, that's where the story truely starts. Her name was Selena Gomez, she was 27 years old and she was a journalist for the magazine 'Jonas Weekly'. A year ago she started as an intern at the company and now she wrote her own collum.

Selena heard her phone beeping from her purse, she pulled it out and saw it was a text from Nick.

'Hey baby! Where are you? Your missing the Christmas party, I thought we could have a repeat of last year! ;)'

Giggling at the text she tapped out at reply.

'I'm at the hospital, I might be able to make it before it ends, I'll let you know!'. She didn't even have a chance to put her phone away when Nick replied.

'Are you okay? I'll be right there!' A smile instantly spread across her face, but quickly text him back.

'No Nick, I'm fine, I'm great actually! Listen don't worry about me, I'll speak to you later!' She put the phone back in her purse and started playing with May's hair, remembering the day she was born.

It was 3.00AM when she heard her phone going off, she groaned and opened her eyes, the light from her phone stinging her eyes as she looked at the screen Vanessa's name coming up.

"Hello?" She yawned sitting up straight.

"Lena, it's Nessa, Ah. My waters have broke, my contractions are urm seven minutes apart. Ow! Oh god Selena get me to the hospital! Now!!" She panted down the phone.

"I'll be right there!" Selena was suddenly wide awake, she quickly pulled on a pair of shorts and slid her feet into her boots and grabbed her keys rushing out of the house.

It took her ten minutes to get to Vanessa's, she ran in the door seeing Vanessa panting on the sofa. Grabbing Vanessa's hospital bag she rushed over to the sofa helping her out to the car. She found it hard to focus on the road with Vanessa's constant screaming, as soon as they arrived at the hospital Vanessa was rushed to the maternity ward already 10cm dilated. Turns out Vanessa had been in labour for the past 12 hours but she didn't want to give birth until Zac got home.

"Lena, don't leave me! Your brothers not here I need you!" She panted before another contraction came. Selena grabbed a hold of her hand looking her straight in the eyes.

"Nessa, I wouldn't miss this for the world! I get to meet my niece!" Selena held Vanessa's hand the entire time.

An hour later Vanessa was holding baby May in her arms, Selena stood over the bed smiling at her sister in law and niece.

"How are you feeling Nessa?" Selena asked quietly careful not to wake up May.

"I feel amazing, sore and tired but amazing. She's so beautiful, Zac is going to adore his little girl" Vanessa sighed hating that Zac had missed the birth of his daughter. She looked down at her perfect little girl a hand tracing the outline of her lips.


Three weeks later Selena was watching over May whilst Vanessa was catching up on some much needed sleep. Selena had just heated up some baby milk for May who was currently stiring in her arms. She began feeding May but was interrupted by a knock on the front door, being quiet making sure not to wake Vanessa she went over and opened the door. Her breath got caught in her throat as she saw the two soldiers in uniform standing at the door.

"Mrs Gomez? May we come in?" The elder man spoke.

"No, I'm Miss Gomez. Zac's sister, urm whats going on?" Selena held her breath terrified for what they were going to say. The only way she was able to keep it together right now was the fact that she had May in her arms. She let the men follow her into the living room where she placed May into her crib, not being able to sit down she stayed standing fidgiting on the spot. The two military men took a stand in front of Selena.

"We are deeply sorry to inform you, Sergeant Zac Gomez is missing in action." His voice sincere.

"Erm, what happened?" She didn't want to believe that Zac was missing, he had promised that he would come back to her.

"His platoon was on a misson, as far as we know they walked into a trap. We found the body of one of the soldiers." The older man spoke, Selena couldn't believe what she was hearing, her body felt numb and before she knew it her legs had given out, the younger soldier had caught Selena before she hit the floor and walked her over to the sofa making her take a seat, he grabbed her a glass of water and handed it to her.

"Urm thank you for letting me know, if you dont mind I just want to be with my family." Selena stood up leading them to the door.

"We are truely sorry Miss Gomez" She nods at the words and closes the door. She could hear May crying in the living room but all she could think about was Vanessa upstairs sleeping. And how she was meant to tell her.

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