Chapter 8

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Selena held Nick's hand as they walked home, they had been walking for a few minutes when it began to rain.

"Great, its about to pour down, why didn't we drive?" Selena groaned.

It started pouring down, Nick laughed at Selena who was trying to keep herself as dry as possible. Nick pulled Selena's hand making her face him, she looked surprised until Nick pressed his lips to hers. Selena was quick to react wrapping her arms around Nick's neck kissing him back with all the passion she had. The two were soaked when they pulled away from their heated kiss, they continued walking back to Selena's relieved when they made it to Selena's house.

Selena unlocked the door and stumbled in pulling Nick with her, she closed the door and picked up all the post from the floor. She shuffled through the envelopes stopping at a hand written one, curiousty getting the better of her she ripped the envelope pulling out another letter and envelope. She opened the folded letter and began reading.

"Dear Selena,
I know that it's been three years and sending this letter now may bring back unwanted feeling and I'm sorry for that. Me and your brother served together for years, and I made a promise to him that if anything were to happen to him I would send you this letter.
So here I am it may be be three years late but a lot has happened, Zac wrote you a letter incase anything were to happen to him, he gave it to me because he trusted me.
Zac was so proud of you, his amazing little sister. I want you to know that Zac would never shut up about you, the amount he spoke about you makes me feel like I know you. I wish there was something I could of done to save him, I wish I was there for him when he needed me the most. It shouldn't of een him, he should of never been taken away from you and Vanessa. I wish somehow there was a way to get him back. I'm so sorry Selena. Zac was my best friend and I will never forget him, and I promise you I will find out who took him away from this world and they will pay.
I hope this letter finds you well. Attached is the letter from Zac.
Yours Sincerly, Lieutenant David Henrie."

Selena didn't realise she had been holding her breath since she started reading the letter, she put the letter on the table beside the door and held the envelope that held the letter from Zac.

"Lena? You okay?" Nick asked concerned by her silence.

"This letters from my brother" She breathed out barely being able to speak. Selena walked into the living room taking a seat on the chair debating if she should open the letter.

"Do you need some space?" Nick asked, he saw Selena nod and walked into her bedroom.

Selena carefully open the envelope pulling the letter out, she could tell it was old as there were many creases on the paper.

"Dear Selly,
You reading this letter can only mean one thing, and I'm sorry for that. I know I made a promise to you, and I hate the fact that I've broken it. I would give anything to be home with you, Ness and our little baby but the world seems to have other plans for me.
I know that your probably masking your pain trying to stay strong for Vanessa, but you don't always have to be the one to look after everyone. It's okay for you to be sad, just promise me you won't resort to drinking. Since I'm not around anymore I know how much I'm going to be missing.
I hate knowing that I'm going to miss walking you down the aisle, seeing how beautiful your going to look in your wedding gown. How I can't threaten any boy that takes you out on a date, and hurt any boy who breaks your heart. Not being able to meet my neices and newphews is the hardest part but I'm always going to be watching over you.
Lenny our the strongest person I have ever met in my life, you strength inspires me. How kind and caring you are, you always see the best in everyone. Lenny you have made me the proudest big brother in the entire world. I hope that I've become something you can be proud of too.
Make sure to tell my daughter about me, I want her to know how sad and heartbrokn I am that I never got to meet her, I just hope she turns out to be just like her Auntie Selena, strong, brave, independant and beautiful. Which of course she will since I'm her father. I'm always going to be watching over you Lenny.
I love you so much, Zac xoxo".

Selena had completely broken down, she had no idea Zac had even wrote a 'If I die' letter. Her mind lashed back to the day she was told he was MIA, all those feelings that she bottled up for Vanessa's sake had come pouring out. She had no family left, her mother and sister wanted nothing to do with her and Zac was gone forever. Nick heard Selena's sobs and decided it was time to comfort her, he walked out of the bedroom and saw Selena curled in a ball on the chair, rushing over to her he picked her up in his arms and sat down placing her on top of him.

"It's going to be okay Lena" Nick cooed. Selena felt weak, she hated feeling like this. She didn't want to go back to that dark place she was in after Zac died, she was scared that she would lose herself. Nick held Selena until she finally fell asleep, he picked her up carrying her into her bedroom placing her down on the bed.

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