Chapter 6

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Selena sat in the taxi in the middle of Lucy and Taylor, Victoria was waiting outside the nightclub for them. The taxi came to a stop outside the club and the three climbed out and met Victoria then walked into the club, the music pumped through their ears and they made their way to the bar.

Selena stayed at the bar as the girls went to dance, she kept ordering herself drinks until a guy sat down next to her.

"Hey, I'm Scott" The guy said confidently.

"I'm not interested" Selena snapped downing another shot.

"Let me buy you a drink babe." Scott flagged over the bartender for his usual and two of them. The bartender hander the drinks to Scott and he was able to slip something in her drink before handing it to her.

"I'm not interested in you but I'll take the drink" Selena said as she took it off of him gulping it down.

Scott waited for the drug to take its effects before he scooted onto the chair next to her, Selena felt really uncomfortable she turned her head to see if she could spot the girls. She felt her phone go off in her bag giving her a good excuse to get away.

"Hey, I got to take this" Selena stumbled away from the door and outside for some air.

"Hello?" She stuttered down the phone. "I can't hear you" She started giggling.

She turned around looking straight into Scott's eyes, he backed her against the wall and hungrily pressed his lips to hers, she pushed him away only to recieve a slap from him.

"Leave me alone Scott" Selena cried out.

"Hey! Get away from her" Selena looked towards the voice a shadow that was nearing closer to her. Scott ran away leaving the shadow to rush over to Selena, he bent down checking to see if she was okay.

"Are you okay?" He spoke.

"Who are you?" Selena asked suddenly feeling extremely drunk, her vision was extemely blurry and she felt dizzy.

"I'm Alex, do you want me to get you a taxi?" He asked.

"I- urm, where am i?" She looked around confused as to what was happening.

"Hey, look at me?" Alex looked at Selena's worsening condition.

She held her phone out to Alex and he took it off of her talking to Nick.

"She's not in a good way, were outside Club 185, I think her drink was spiked." He put the phone in Selena's bag and caught her as she passed out.

It didnt take long for Nick to get to the club at the speed he was driving, he instantly spotted Selena and the guy that had looked after her. Rushing over he thanked Alex and quickly got Selena in the car.

Nick carried Selena into her bedroom placing her on the bed, he took her heels off and changed her out of her dress into a pair of shorts and a shirt. He left the room deciding to sleep on the sofa so they could talk in the morning.

Selena groaned feeling the full impact of her hangover and the drug she was given, she placed her and on her head and stood up rushing to the bathroom to throw up.

Nick woke up to the sound of Selena throwing up he climbed off the sofa and walked into her kitchen getting her a glass of water and some paracetomol, he walked into her bedroom placing the water and tablets on her bedside table and walked into the bathroom. He rushed over to Selena holding her hair back and rubbing her back, Selena finished being sick and pushed away from the toilet quickly brushing her teeth.

Selena followed Nick into her bedroom where he passed her the glass of water and tablets, she popped the tablets in her mouth and swallowed them down with water.

"Nick? What the hell happened last night? Why are you here?" Selena asked holding her head.

"You may of had your drink spiked last night Sel" Nick said.

"What? What happened?" Selena panicked.

"Hey it's okay, I came and got you! Nothing happened!" Nick placed his hand on Selena's back trying to sooth her.

"What are you doing here Nick?" Selena asked moving away.

"We need to talk" Nick pleaded.

"Go talk to your wife!" Selena snapped tears welling up in her eyes.

"Selena please!" Nick argued. "Let me explain".

"Explain how you lied to me? How you made me the other woman?" Selena wiped away her tears.

"It's not like that" Nick spoke.

"So your not married huh? And you didn't cheat on her with me?" Selena cried.

"I am married, but we haven't been in love since she slept with my best friend" Nick spoke truthfully.

"So I'm just your way at getting back at her! Why haven't you gotten a divvorce?" Selena felt dirty.

"I promised her we'd try marriage counselling, it's just not working anymore me and Miley are over" Nick sighed sitting on her bed.

"Nick promise me its really over between you two" Selena sat beside Nick on the bed.

"It is, I'm going to ask her for a divorce" Nick took Selena's hand.

Selena smiled at Nick before running into the bathroom kneeling over the toilet being sick again, Nick held her hair back for her. When she was done she rested her head on the cold tiles feeling overly hot, she pushed herself off the floor and over to the sink where she splashed cold water over her face. She looked at the red mark that was on her cheek from Scott slapping her, she proded it with her fingers and decided she should put some ice on it to stop it from swelling.

She walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen grabbing an ice pack from the freezer and holding it to her face, she jumped up on the side watching as Nick followed her in.

"Listen Lena, in three months theres a gala that happens every year, normally I bring Miley but I want to take you instead" Nick smiled offering.

"I'd love to come" Selena giggled as she pulled Nick towards her crashing their lips together.

Selena climbed out of bed in one of Nick's shirts, she looked over at Nick sleeping and smiled at what she saw. She tiptoed into the bathroom turning on the shower and stripping out of her clothes limbing under the shower.

Climbing out she quickly towel dried her hair and wrapped a towel around her body walking back into he bedroom seeing Nick sat up in bed watching her.

"Morning beautiful" Nick smiled up at her.

"Morning perv!" Selena giggled. She quickly put on some underwear on and walked over to Nick who was quick to pull her onto the bed, she giggled as Nick started to kiss her neck.

"Nick, come on! I have to be at Nessa's in half a hour!" Selena said trying not to give into him, she rolled on top of him pressing her lips to his before pushing herself up.

"Your leaving me?" Nick pouted at Selena.

"You can come with me, I'm babysitting May" She offered hopeful.

"I guess I can grace you with my presence" Nick chuckled climbing out of bed and walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

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