Part 3

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(Kageyama POV)

It was time for practice to start and Hinata wasn't here yet. I sighed and started walking toward the gym "It looks like Hina-" there stood Hinata surrounded by everyone and every single one of the where giving me death glares(except for Tsuki). "How did y-" I was cut of by Tanaka-Senpai. "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO HINATA." I realized that Hinata must of told them. I couldn't believe he would tell them. That made me kind of upset, scratch that really upset. I looked at Hinata and then the rest of them. Then I said something that I would regret. "Of course I cheated on him. There's not a single good thing about him. He's clingy annoying and HORRIBLE at volley ball." Hinata stood there with his eyes big and mouth hanging open. I just realized what I said. He worked so hard to play volleyball and did whatever it took and I just told him all of that was for nothing. The Suga started talking and went straight to mama mode. "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MY HINATA YOU BI-" "STOP" Hinata screamed. Everyone started looking at him. "IF YOY REALLY THINK IM THAT BAD ILL LEAVE. IM SORRY FOR DRAGGING YOU TEAM DOWN." Hinata sprinted out of the gym and everyone's eyes slowly but surely drifted to me. And I didn't blame them. Because of me their little sunshine was gone. Tsuki then started laughing. I looked at him and so did everyone else. Tsuki then pulled me aside to talk to me privately. "Kageyama kageyama kageyama, oh how bad you have messed up." "Yeah but I have you now at least" "That's where your wrong kageyama. I never liked you, I only wanted to destroy your relationship with the shrimp." Kageyama could not believe what hearing.


Sorry for the shorter story 😔 I already posted two others today and my fingers hurt. I'll start on the next one today it'll Be out tomorrow most likely Byeeeerre

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