Part 6

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Hinata POV

I was waiting at the train station super nervous. 'Is my hair ok? Are my clothes weird? Am I to early? Should I have bought something for him?' I stop thinking for a second and take in a few deep breaths. 'It's just friends hanging out nothing more and nothing less.' "Hinata?" I jerk up. "O-oh I'm s-sorry I didn't see you there." "It's ok, anyway shall we get going." 'Wow he is so confident how is he this cool!'

Oikawa POV

' OMG OMG OMG WHAT DO I DO SHOULD I SAY SOMETHING IM SO NERVOUS AND EVERY TIME I GET A SMALL GLIMPS OF HIM MY FACE GOES RED LIKE WHAT IS WITH THOSE CLOTHES AND HIS HAIR HE JUST LOOKS TO CUTE I PROBABLY LOOK LIKE A DUMBASS STANDING NEXT TO HIM I DONT DESERVE THIS LORD TAKE ME NOW BEFORE I MAKE AN ABSOLUTE FOOL OUT OF MY SEL-' "OIKAWA-SAN!" I then break out of all my thoughts and look at him. He leans in really close to my face. ' OMG WHAT IS HE DOING.' " Great King are you ok your face is really red we can do this another day if your not feeling well?" When he said that he looked kind of sad like he didn't want Oikawa to leave. "Yes-no-yes I am completely fine how about we get some food food sounds good yup food I like milk bread by the way you should try it sometime how about we go to an amusement park if you don't want food we can do anyth-. I'm sorry I was rambling wasn't I." "It's fine I find it cute." 'Lord this man is to pure for this world.' "How about we go to the amusement park first?" "Sure why not." I replied as casually as possible trying not to freak out that I'm basically on a date with the guy I like.

Time skip because I'm bad at dates also I'm alone forever

" This was really fun I hope we can do something like this again!" " Yeah I would love that." I replied. "Well I guess I'll see you later." As soon as I was about to leave Hinata grabbed my hand and pulled me bringing me down face to face. "What are yo-" I was cut of by something I least expected. There was some thing soft on my lips. It felt really nice and I could stay there forever. Then it was gone. It took me a few seconds to process what was happening and in those few seconds he ran of. "Hinata wait!" But it was to late.

Hinata POV

I didn't want him to leave. I wanted to stay with him for longer. It was fun talking to him. He started walking away and a wave of lust fell over me and not knowing what I was doing suddenly I was kissing Oikawa. 'WTF IS HAPPENING MY BODY MOVED ON ITS OWN. I have to admit it does feel really good tho. Wait nows not the time to be thinking about that.' I quickly separated the kiss and ran of. I heard him call out to me but I didn't listen. I didn't care about anything in that point of time. 'I'm so stupid he probably hates me now and then I had to run of god damnit I'm so stupid. fuck fuck fuck' "FUCK" The last one I accidentally said that last one out loud. Everyone started looking at me so I just ran faster and faster until I bumped into someone.



600 words pog

Bye bye

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