thirty-six: the chancellor, the princess, jaha, and the king

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"Acting on your best behaviour
Turn your back on mother nature"

everybody wants to rule the world by lorde

When Avery, Finn, and Clarke left the Blake's with Lincoln and made their way back to the overcrowded Camp Jaha, night had already fallen.

Abby Griffin came sprinting up to them the moment they entered the gate, concern for her daughter plastered all over her face.

"Where have you been?" She asked before Clarke could even get a word in. She looked suspiciously at Avery, as if she was the cause of her daughter's absence. She was, partially, so Avery ignored it. "We're leaving."

"I know how to stop the attack." Clarke cut her mother off, wasting no time. Abby's expression morphed to one of shock.

"What are you talking about?" Jaha asked. His interjection from behind the Chancellor caused Avery to notice him for the first time.

His aura of authority hadn't disappeared with his journey to the ground. His arms crossed over his chest, his gaze swept Finn and Avery, giving them both looks of utmost distaste. That only served to piss Avery off further as she subconsciously reached for her knife in its sheath on her leg.

As if sensing Avery's desire to actually kill the Chancellor, Clarke put her body between the two, sending a small glare back at Avery. Her look clearly said "Don't be stupid". Avery made no promises.

"We haven't been able to negotiate with the grounders because we haven't had anything to offer them." Clarke explained to her mother and Jaha. "The biggest threat they face is from the reapers. I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all."

Abby contemplated it for a moment. She met Avery's gaze, and something shifted. Avery could see that Abby Griffin wanted to stay. She cared about the kids in Mount Weather. She was only doing what she thought best for all of her people given the threat of the grounders.

For the first time, Avery saw the clear similarities between Clarke and her mother.

"How?" Abby asked, looking to her daughter.

"Abby." Jaha cut her off, turning to address her. He continued to pretend like the kids he'd locked up and sent hurtling through space to a possibly irradiated planet didn't exist despite the fact that they were standing right in front of him. Avery clenched her jaw. "You can't seriously -"

Avery moved to snap at the man, when the gasps and whispers of the people around her cut her off. She turned toward the forest, where hundreds of flames lit up the entire grounder army. Avery had never seen so many people in one place before. The grounders were coming, and they were trying to send a message:

Leave or die.


Abby Griffin and her guards walked the teenagers, and the former Chancellor, into a room of Alpha station. Judging by the long table they were standing over, Avery figured it was the old meeting room for the council members.

"They're not attacking yet, which means we still have time." Clarke explained to her mother.

"And it means that they don't really want to kill us." Avery chimed in. "Not more than they want us to leave."

"We have two hours until dawn." Abby said, ignoring Avery's statement.

"Let me talk to the Commander." Clarke said, getting a small glare from Avery, which Clarke sent right back. "She was Anya's second. Maybe she'll listen."

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