seventeen: battle at the bridge

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"So you wanna start a war
in the age of icons."

start a war by klergy

When Avery and Clarke finally made it to the bridge, dawn had already struck the horizon. Avery's eyes widened as she saw who was standing on the bridge with the grounder. Her and Bellamy's suspicions were confirmed, Octavia had helped the grounders escape. Worse than that, they were holding hands. Avery took a deep breath in, hoping Bellamy wouldn't react at the sight of them.

Hesitantly, she followed Clarke and Finn down to the bridge.

"So that's how you set this up." Clarke said, the dots connecting in her head.

"You helped him escape didn't you?" Avery asked, already knowing the answer. When Octavia only stared back, Avery sighed and shook her head.

"I trust him." Octavia said in response to Avery's annoyance.

"There's a lot of that going around." Clarke said, glancing at Finn. Avery nodded along with her. Making eye contact with the grounder, Avery could see that he wasn't a threat to Octavia, but she still eyed him warily.

"Someone's coming." Finn said, and the group turned towards the bridge. They were momentarily stunned at the creatures that the grounders rode in on. Horses. Avery had never seen something so terrifying yet so beautiful.

"Oh my god." Clarke said, mirroring Avery's thoughts. "Horses."

In the middle of the two horses stood a third. Riding the horse was a grounder, her face covered in war paint. She was the only woman, but Avery could tell by her demeanor that she was the leader.

"Hey, we said no weapons!" Finn said angrily to the grounder. Avery then noticed the knives perched on the grounders backs. She subconsciously gripped the knife in her pocket. She sure as hell wasn't going to listen to that rule, and she was glad she hadn't.

"I was told there wouldn't be." The grounder said. He looked Avery in the eyes. Still eyeing him warily, she nodded at him. She didn't trust him, but as far as she could tell, he was being sincere.

"It's too late now." Clarke said from beside Finn. It was only then that Avery noticed that their hands were entwined. It took every part of her not to kick Finn in the balls. She could only hope that Raven wasn't watching. The pair made eye contact, and Finn gestured for Clarke to move forward.

Avery took a few steps forward, still glancing at the blonde as if to say "what are you waiting for?" Clarke followed her gaze and walked forward towards her. When Finn moved to go with them, he was met with the grounders hand instead.

"She goes alone." He said, and after a moment, Finn allowed Clarke to walk with Avery. The blonde quickly matched her pace to King's, moving so that she was walking to her left.

"Let me do the talking." Clarke said, causing Avery to roll her eyes. Avery knew it wasn't a pride thing though, King wasn't exactly a diplomat. Neither was Clarke, but she at least grew up with a diplomat for a mother, and that had to count for something.

"Whatever you say, Princess." She replied, getting one last small smirk in before her face turned stoic. She wasn't going to show any fear against the people who killed her friends.

The woman dismounted from her horse and began walking towards the two leaders. Avery and Clarke's faces remained stoic, although Clarke let some emotion slip through.

Good cop, bad cop, Avery thought.

"Your name is Clarke?" The woman asked, gesturing to the blonde. "And they call you the King?" She asked Avery.

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