twenty: the return of a traitor

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"Tell me how did we get here?
And where the fuck do we go now?"

rock bottom by grandson

Contrary to Bellamy's wishes, the group did not get back before dark. It was fully night by the time they stumbled back into camp. Both Bellamy and Avery were weary, but they walked confidently in the front of the group with their weapons raised. As soon as Avery stepped in the gates, Miller came running up to her.

"King!" He almost yelled. "We've got an issue."

"Great." She said, making eye contact with both Bellamy and Clarke beside her. "What is it?"

"Murphy's here." Said Miller, wincing at the words as they came out of his mouth. Avery stopped walking for a moment and closed her eyes in disbelief.

"What!?" She shook her head and made eye contact with Bellamy. She was pissed, yeah. But Bellamy was a whole different story. If it was possible, steam would have been coming out of his nose.

"Where is he?" Bellamy snarled, keeping his gun ready at his side.

"Dropship." Miller replied. "I'll take you there." The trio hurried after the guard, and made their way through a large crowd of people at the entrance to the dropship. When they finally laid eyes on Murphy, Avery almost felt sorry for him.

It was obvious that John Murphy had been through something roughly equal to hell. He was covered almost head-to-toe in blood, and it was definitely his own. He had deep gashes running along both sides of his face, and the blood coating his neck suggested there had been a knife to his throat. And those were only the obvious injuries.

Silence surrounded Bellamy, Clarke, Avery, and Finn as they made their way to Murphy. The hundred were watching them, curious to see what they would do.

"Everyone but Connor and Derek, out!" Bellamy said, after making brief eye contact with Avery. "Now!" Avery nodded at Miller as he left, assuming the man would return to his post. The rest of the crowd followed their orders and left, leaving only the small group in the metal dropship.

Avery turned to Connor and Derek, expecting them to give her answers. Luckily for them, they could oblige.

"He claims he was with the grounders." Said Derek.

"We caught him sneaking back into camp." Finished Connor.

"I wasn't sneaking." Murphy said, moving his head to look at the leaders for the first time. His voice was very rough. So rough that Avery could barely understand what he was saying. She assumed he had significant damage done to his vocal chords. "I was running from the grounders."

"Anyone see grounders?" Bellamy asked, his voice booming around the quiet dropship. The two guards shook their heads in response. It became clear in the moment to Avery, that Bellamy just really wanted to kill Murphy. Which, to be honest, she wasn't all that opposed to.

"Well in that case - " Bellamy said, and lifted up his gun to shoot Murphy. Avery was about to intervene, mostly because she thought Bellamy would probably regret killing the guy. But Finn beat her to the punch.

"What the hell's wrong with you!" Finn yelled, jerking Bellamy's gun down to the floor so that it wasn't pointed at Murphy.

"We were clear what would happen if he came back." Bellamy explained, knocking Finn's hands off of his gun. He re-aimed the gun at Murphy before sending a glance to Avery. She tilted her head and shrugged her shoulders subtly. She agreed with Bellamy, he'd explicitly told Murphy what would happen.

"No, if he was with the grounders, then he knows things that can help us!" Finn then moved himself so he was in between Bellamy's gun and Murphy.

"Help us!?" Bellamy responded. "We hanged him, we banished him, and now we're going to kill him. Get the hell out of my way." Avery could see the situation getting more and more tense, with both boys getting increasingly agitated by the second. Avery sighed and unholstered the small pistol from her waist.

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