fifty-one: help from the inside

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"I can feel the darkness coming
And I'm afraid of myself
Call my name and I'll come running
'Cause I just need some help

help by hurts

Avery didn't want to leave Bellamy. But she knew she had to.

Maya and Bellamy being together meant they could sneak around undetected. Mount Weather didn't know Bellamy was in the mountain yet, and Avery being with him would only draw unwanted attention. Besides, Miller and Avery being together meant they could strategize. It made sense. But it still sucked.

Avery and Bellamy stood in an empty hallway. All their people were accounted for, ready to go their separate ways. They'd put people with Mount Weather natives,

"You're gonna shut down the acid fog?" Avery asked.

"Raven'll help." Bellamy replied, smiling slightly. "First we have to find it."

"I know." Avery sighed. "I wish I was going with you."

"You're worried about something." Bellamy said, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah," Avery scoffed. "You."

"That's not it." Bellamy said, raising his eyebrows. Avery shook her head. "You're worried about something else, and if there's one thing I've learned about you it's that we should trust your intuition. What's wrong?"

"Something doesn't feel right about this whole thing." Avery muttered. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Which part?"

"The part where we're relying on people that were our sworn enemies ten days ago." Avery sighed, running her hands through her hair. "Clarke trusts Lexa. But it's a mistake. And now our lives are in her hands."

"It's like you said," Bellamy smiled slightly. "We're not dying here."

Avery nodded, doing her best to muster a small smile.

"Stay alive," Bellamy said, pulling Avery close to him for what he hoped wasn't the last time.

"Back at you." Avery smiled.

"If anything goes wrong, meet in the Harvest Chamber." Bellamy said.

"Right," Avery scoffed. "Because that's not ominous at all."

"King! Come on!" Monroe called, motioning Avery over to her, Miller, and Sarah.

Judging by the closeness of the two women, Avery guessed Monroe and Sarah had that talk. She grinned at Monroe, raising her eyebrows in a suggestive manner. Monroe rolled her eyes.

The group began to walk, weapons in their hands through the metal doorway. Before she went, Avery felt herself turn back to Bellamy. Their eyes met, and Avery could feel herself memorizing each little detail of his face.

From yards away, she noticed the little crinkle in the corner of his eye. They held their gaze for longer than they should have, everyone around them turning to leave.

For a moment, it looked like Avery was going to speak. But then she shut her mouth, smiled slightly, and nodded in Bellamy's direction. Bellamy nodded back.

Then they turned and went their separate ways.


"I need an update." Miller said.

"On what?"

"On everything."

The four teenagers were holed up in the room that belonged to an elderly couple. The white-haired man and woman sat them down at a small table in the second room of their home. The wicker chairs felt stranger than anything Avery had ever sat in before.

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