Hangovers fucking suck + cuddling

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Korekiyo: so that party was an absulute bust

Kaede: well it wouldn't have been HALF as bad if SOMEONE didn't spike the fucking punch bowl

Kaede: @ Rantaro

Rantaro: 👍

Kaede: bitch why

Rantaro: because I was fucking bored 

Kaede: fuck you

Rantaro: I'll leave that job to Kiibo thanks <3

Kiibo: no ❤️️

Rantaro: 😔💔

Shuichi: anyway

Shuichi: that party was fucking lit

Shuichi: do you guys remember the spaghetti funeral??

Korekiyo: please never mention it again, that shit's embarrassing

Kaito: it was funny

Korekiyo: I killed my fucking love do you think that's funny?

Himiko: bozo

Rantaro: uhhhhhh anyway-

Rantaro: my head fucking hurts like hell

Angie: same

Angie: Amami what kind of alcohol did you buy, hook me up

Tsumugi: Yonaga no-

Angie: Yonaga yes ✨

[Rantaro] has sent an address. Open? yes/no

Angie: ty

Rantaro: np sis 🙄💅

Rantaro: anyway, did you know that cuddles can help reduce hangover pain?

Maki: no it doesn't-

Rantaro: shh, yes it does

Rantaro: @ Kiibo my dorm, 5 mins? 👉👈

Kiibo: no

Kiibo: ..omw.

Rantaro: :D

[Rantaro] and [Kiibo] are offline.

Miu: @ Kaede 👀

Kaede: fine.

Kaito: @ Maki :D

Maki: alr

[Miu], [Kaede], [Kaito] and [Maki] are offline.

Shuichi: @ Kokichi if I may

Kokichi: sure..

Himiko: Chabashira, we can cuddle if you want to


Tsumugi: @ Angie hmmmm

Angie: hmmmmm

[Shuichi], [Kokichi], [Himiko], [Tenko], [Tsumugi], and [Angie] are offline.

Gonta: @ Ryoma you wanna go catch some bugs or something idk

Ryoma: mhm

[Gonta] and [Ryoma] are offline.

Korekiyo: well damn that made me feel fucking single

Kirumi: same

Kirumi: you wanna go cook lunch for them with me?

Korekiyo: sure

[Korekiyo] and [Kirumi] are offline.

~ (omg hey look at me making a border between chat and irl)

[POV: Kiibo]


     Why did I even agree to this.

     I nervously patted his head. Get away Amami my inner gay is showing. Despite my attempted telepathy, he scooted a bit closer to me. Oh that's fun, no more personal space I suppose. "What are you doing."

     "Cuddling you- obviously. Now give me cuddles back."

      Guess my opinion has no say in this situation. Oh well. Might as well enjoy the moment. I wrapped my arm around him and rested my head ontop of his.

[POV: Shuichi]

     Ouma-kun awkwardly stood in the doorway. He had been there for almost a minute, yet neither of us had made a move yet, so we were both just standing there like 🧍.

     "Okay- well uh, do you want to come in?" He nervously nodded. I went inside and he did the same. We both sat on my couch, a few inches apart from eachother.

     "Do you want to watch something on Netflix?"


      After a bit of browsing, we settled on a Netflix original show called The Umbrella Academy, about 6 people who were superheroes as kids.

     [go watch it bitch it's good]

     We were about 12 minutes into the first episode when Ouma scooted over to me and rested his head on my shoulder. ohmygodamidreamingwhatmybelovedoumakuniscuddlingwithmeomgomgokgokmgokjbngkfdhrgftfjdsa

[POV: Himiko]

     I specifically stated that Chabashira could come over for cuddles, but this is fine too.

     I took a sip of my Monster Energy and picked up my Nintendo switch controller. I picked Toad while Chabashira picked Waluigi. We settled on the Rainbow Road map because it's Chabashira's favorite.

     "Goddamnit, squidgirl-" That hoe threw another ink bomb at me. Fuck you bitch.

      "Don't worry Yumeno, I'll win this one for you!" Chabashira said to me. I was already about a lap behind everyone else because of that squid hoe. "Alright."

      And win she did. "See Yumeno, I told you I was gonna win!" She gave me a hug.

     It's good she can't see my face now, I can already feel it heating up. I hugged her back. "Good job, Chabashira."

     "You can call me Tenko!"

     "Alright. You can call me Himiko."

     "Will do, Himiko!"


     I'm too disinterested to put the rest of the pairs so just have my top 3 favorites. Also not this hoe running outta ideas so you guys can give me plot suggestions now. ty baes <3

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