Where did Ryoma go- OH FUCK

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[POV: Kaede]

     "Okay, is everyone here?" I quickly scanned the common room. Yeah, everyone was definitely here.

     "I think so."

     "Alright, let's go." I dragged everyone out of the dorm building, calling three taxis. Of course, paying all of them with Amami's credit card.

     "I still don't see why you have to use my credit card." Amami said, sliding into the car seat next to the one I was currently sitting on.

     "Amami, you're rich. Your parents won't even notice if you spend a couple hundred dollars at Olive Garden." He eyed me, but just let it go.

     Around ten minutes later, the taxis arrived at Olive Garden and everyone piled out. I took another quick count - no-one was missing. Good.

     We all walked into the restraunt, the people dining there already eyeing us. It was a strange sight, sixteen highschoolers of all sorts piling into the place.

     "Hey, could I get a table for sixteen?" I asked the front desk lady. She stared at our group but directed us to some large ass table. Like literally where did they even get that.

     We ordered our food, turns out almost everyone ordered pasta because WOW we're original, aren't we?

     "Tenko, if the waiter gets my order wrong this time PLEASE don't dropkick him like you did last time with the McDonald's employee.." Yumeno said to Chabashira - they're on first name basis now? Hm.

     "Euhh.. I'll try." Chabashira said groaning. I'll have to ask her about her and Yumeno's relationship later.

     "I'm going to go the the bathroom real quick." Gokuhara said and left the table.

     "AMAMI DON'T INHALE THE SUGAR PACKETS -" Tojo yelled from the other side of the table.

     "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" Amami yelled back, inhaling the sugar like marijuana. (spelling? who?) Well. He's gonna be high again later, I guess.

     I did another quick count and -

     Wait a fucking second.

     "Guys - where'd Hoshi go -?" I tentatively asked everyone. Everyone suddenly grew silent and stared at me.

     "....Now that I think about it, he wasn't even here when we were in the common room. I just assumed he was hidden by everyone else, because, you know, he's short." Saihara muttered. Rude, but, I mean, he's not wrong.

     "Well.. Gokuhara probably knows where he is, yeah? They're always together." I looked around the restraunt looking for him, but as I peered through one of the windows-

     "Is that Gokuhara running away outside-?"

     "OH FUCK GET HIM."      

     I quickly got out of my booth, but just as I was about to rush outside-


     Sure enough, multiple chefs and waiters ran out of the place yelling, the area they were running away from being on fire. "OH FUCK RUN!" I screamed and pushed everyone out of the restraunt. 

     "HOSHI-? MY GOD DID YOU DO THIS-" Tojo yelled causing me to quickly turn around, and sure enough, there was Hoshi, standing in the inflamed ruins of what used to be a really nice place. 

     "And what if I did?"


     "Because I felt like it." He said and ran away, most of my classmates quickly running after him. The only people remaining standing in the parking lot were me, Ouma, Harukawa, Iruma, Tojo and Kiibo. We just kind of awkwardly stared at each other for a minute before Ouma spoke up.

     "Uh - do you guys wanna go to McDonald's or something while we wait for them to come back-?" Everyone else just nodded.


     Time skip.

     The lot of us that stayed behind were sitting in a booth at the back of the closest McDonald's we could find, snacking on french fries and coffees.

     "Do you guys actually think they're gonna find us?" Iruma asked me.

     "Hopefully not."

     "Can we just ditch them and go back to the dorms when we're done?" Ouma muttered, tracing patterns on a napkin with ketchup.

     "Definitely. I'm done with their bullshit."


     yells out

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