Summer after Highschool

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A/N: I used Katy Perry's ''The one that got away'' as inspiration for this entire story. For a better experience reading this I suggest to listen to the acoustic version it's beautiful-Thank you! :)


When you think of Highschool you are supposed to be reminded of happy memories that you made with your friends, the long summer nights hanging out at parties, drinking for the first time, kissing for the first time and just enjoying youth. Your supposed to think of all the great people you have met whether it's teachers or friends that now all went their separate ways. Although Highschool can suck especially if you aren't popular it's not supposed to cause pain whenever you think about those years now or the years after. But that's exactly what it feels like  a great deal of pain whenever you think back to those years. You were never popular in school but never hated either, you were just one of the really good students caring about your lessons especially ones you were interested in. Unlike some of the kids there you didn't have hobbies that could be pursued in school like Cheerleading or other sports. You were completely interested in astrology, nature and witchcraft. But you would always keep it to yourself reading books when no one was watching and the crystals you carried around for manifesting good things you always kept hidden. You were friends with some of the girls and you even got along with some boys but it was never any deep friendships with meaning to them. That's probably why you don't really miss those days because there is nothing to miss about them apart from her of course. 

As you are driving through your old hometown a lot of memories rush in, it kinda feels like those four years of highschool and the years after just make their back into your brain because whenever you drive past a building like the coffee shop you used to always hang out at or the city filled with little shops you used to buy things at it hurts. Everything hurts and thats initially the reason why you left New Orleans. You grew up in the city with your parents, they owned a nice big house on a quiet street. As you drive past the house a lot of memories from your early childhood come flushing in leaving you with a smile. Your childhood is something you remember fondly, your parents weren't rich they had to work hard for their money but they made sure to give everything they had to you and make your life as happy and beautiful as possible. After your mother passed away a few years back your dad lives in a retirement home because since her death he just wasn't the same person anymore. You moved him in the same town where the rest of your family lives in and you make sure to visit him or call him as much as you possibly can. Driving past your old house reminds you of your mothers painful death, you moved back in with her for a few months to take care of her before her illness slowly took her away. It hurt more than anything you ever experienced and you made sure to make her last days the way she wanted to, driving to places she always wanted to see and saying goodbye to the rest of the family. After the funeral you fell into a deep hole and you fought your way through it by traveling, it has always been your passion and escape to drive to destinations that would take your breath away. Thinking about her funeral you are reminded of the reason you came back to your home town. Another funeral this time just as painful as your mothers one but you needed to be strong and pull yourself together. Especially for her

As you drive past your favorite park where you would always hang out at you remember the first moment you experienced real magic. Magic is a funny thing isn't it? Most people don't believe in magic or that people with powers exist but Witchcraft and witches have been around for hundreds of years and are part of our history books. You were always fond of nature and one day you were sitting there after a tiring day of highschool and a little bird flew by and stopped right where you were sitting. It was hurt badly probably fighting another animal and it approached you. With a simple movement of your hand and thinking about the animal being healed it flew off as good as new, the wounds vanished. That's when you realized maybe you had more than just a passion for magic and witchcraft. Ultimately you kept reading further into witchcraft and that's when you eventually found Miss Robichaux's Academy for young witches. When you made your way to the academy all those years ago you never imagined that it would take you on an emotional rollercoaster and change your life forever. 

Cordelia Goode x Reader- The one that got awayWhere stories live. Discover now