In another life

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Meanwhile at the coven:

Cordelia is pacing around her room impatiently trying to figure out what to wear as the party was gonna start soon, normally she would wear a a blouse with some long trousers but she wanted to look good for you. Even if she would never ever admit that right now not to herself or Misty just watching her walk around and saying ''No not that one'' to any suggestion Misty makes. The blonde with curly hair rolls her eyes and makes her way over to Cordelia standing by the wardrobe. ''Dee what is going on with you today?'' Misty asks growing more impatient with Cordelia by the minute. Normally she is very understanding and patient with the supreme and would help her whenever she is stressing about something but the difference is that Cordelia would normally be honest with Misty and share whats on her mind, but today is different. ''Nothing I am sorry it's just ..'' but Cordelia can't finish what she was about to say. She would disappoint Misty and she doesn't want to hurt her. ''It's about Y/N isn't it?'' Misty says trying to not sound annoyed or mad. Cordelia simply nods while putting on a dress that she found after searching for ages. ''I'm sorry Misty but me and Y/N have shared a lot of things together, we know each other since she was in highschool'' Cordelia explains trying to stay calm and not upset Misty. ''Do you still love her Cordelia?'' Misty asks suddenly and Cordelia is currently fixing her hair in the mirror so she isn't looking at Misty. ''Turn around'' Misty demands angrily and Cordelia does as she is told and when her eyes lock with Misty's she can tell how upset she is. ''You know what? don't actually tell me'' Misty says and swallows some tears down as she is leaving Cordelia's bedroom. The supreme just stands there still looking at the door both confused and also sad. She is mad at herself for not being completely honest with Misty and explaining what you two had shared and there are still feelings involved. Cordelia decides to finish her makeup and then make her way downstairs so she can talk to Misty.

As you pull into the driveway of the coven with your mustang you can't help but feel the nostalgic of driving up to the academy. Every time it would feel like something special and magical. You exit the car with the two bags in your hand and make your way to the front door, you ring the doorbell and Zoe answers. ''Hey Y/N'' she says with a smile and gestures for you to walk inside. ''Thank you'' you mouth after she takes your coat and you walk into the dining room where Queenie, Myrtle and some younger witches are talking. ''Happy Birthday girl'' you say excited and hug Queenie. As you give her your gift you can feel eyes on you and you look to the door where Cordelia is leaning against the frame just watching you all with a smile. ''Oh my god really Lizzo? thank you so much Y/N'' Queenie squeals happily and immediately walks over to the living room to put the record into the vinyl player. Madison and some witches followed her and so you are currently alone with Cordelia. She takes a step closer to you and you can't help but take in her appearance she is wearing a beautiful long dress with flowers printed on it and some heels. Her blonde hair looking perfect as always and some nude pink lipstick on her lips. ''You look beautiful Dee'' you say and smile at her. ''You do too Y/N'' Cordelia answers and looks down your dress. You clear your throat as this whole situation feels awkward and hand her the bag with her present. ''I um got you this'' you mumble and fiddle with your dress, Cordelia takes the present but she hesitates at first. ''Why did you get me something Y/N?'' she asks and all you answer is simply ''I thought I'd also get you something to um you know say goodbye properly this time'' whispering the last words as they hurt you. ''Y/N I-'' but you are interrupted when Madison comes in and tells you to hurry it up because they are gonna eat some dinner now. Cordelia takes the gift and you leave her standing there and walk to the living room, as much as you wanna talk to her about this it's too painful.

They all decided to order some pizza but it's more casual than a proper dinner so everyone walks around and chats while eating and enjoying some drinks. You walk around and pretty much talk to everyone, getting to know more about Zoe and Madison and why they joined the academy. Zoe seems like a shy girl but her powers are strong and you quickly learn that although Madison seems like a giant bitch because all she ever does is talk about her Hollywood career she is a nice person deep down. Queenie keeps talking about her present and how she loves your vinyl and you all jam out to the music. After a while of eating, drinking and talking you decide to go and find Myrtle because you still have that bottle of wine for her and you walk to the greenhouse thinking to meet her there but instead you find Misty sitting by the window. You don't know whether you should go in to talk to her but you notice how she wasn't really around at the party so you knock and walk inside. ''Hey Misty are you alright?'' you ask concerned and Misty gestures for you to sit next to her. ''I've noticed you aren't at the party, are you okay?'' you add and Misty looks out the window and down to her hands. ''I- will you tell me about you and Cordelia? she doesn't talk to me about it'' she finally says and this takes you by surprise a bit. ''Well what do you wanna know?'' you ask a bit confused. ''How did you meet?'' she asks and you remember that moment fondly. ''Well I found the academy on the internet because Myrtle was running a blog back then and after I came there a few times she introduced me to Cordelia, we were both really young back then'' you explain and smile as the memory replays in your head. ''Do you still love her?'' Misty suddenly asks and your jaw drops a little. ''Misty look I am sorry if me coming back here caused any trouble between you and Cordelia'' you say trying to think of the right words to use. ''You didn't but she still loves you you know'' Misty says and your eyes go wide and you turn to look at her. ''What?'' you ask shocked and Misty simply nods ''She used to always tell me about her first love and how she wishes she knew what that person was up to now.. she was talking about you'' Misty adds and you can feel your whole body now shaking. ''I'm sorry Misty'' you add and feel bad for the blonde. ''I wont mess up anything between you two though I promise'' you say but Misty stops you ''I don't wanna stand in the way between you and Cordelia, after all you were her first love'' she adds and you are both distracted when you hear footsteps approach. You smile as you see Myrtle ''Oh sorry darlings, I didn't mean to interrupt anything'' she says but Misty tells her to come in as she needs to go and get a drink anyway. Your eyes follow Misty leaving the greenhouse and Myrtle can see guilt written all over your face. ''Whats going on my dear?'' she asks and you exhale deeply. ''I really need a cigarette'' you explain and Myrtle offers you one. ''Thank you'' you say and take some drags of the cigarette, you don't usually smoke but sometimes you really need one.

Cordelia Goode x Reader- The one that got awayWhere stories live. Discover now