All this money can't buy me a time machine

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The next morning you wake up and you instantly feel well rested, you haven't had such a good nights sleep in a very long time. As you open your eyes you notice that your neck feels stiff and your head is resting on Cordelia's shoulder. Her blonde locks smelling of vanilla are all over your shoulders and her eyes are still closed as she is asleep. For a second you take in being this close to Cordelia, back when you were both young you used to always fall asleep next to each other in the greenhouse, your room or Delia's room. Sleeping near Cordelia is a magical experience because you feel so safe and that nothing or no one could ever hurt you. You sit there until Cordelia starts moving and she opens her eyes and looks into yours. As your eyes lock you think about what it would be like waking up with her every morning again and this makes you sad. ''Hey how did sleep?'' she asks with a smile. You smile back and answer ''Really good how about you?'' she smiles and moves a bit and you move your head from her shoulder and stretch. ''I gotta go back to the academy, I am teaching this morning'' Cordelia explains and you look down already missing her presence. ''I.. I have got to go back Dee'' you suddenly say and Cordelia turns to you with a shocked expression. ''What do you mean?'' she asks and her voice cracks slightly. ''I gotta go back to my apartment, my job and my life'' you say and mumble the last part hoping she wouldn't have heard that. ''I.. can I at least see you again?'' she asks hopefully and you nod with a smile. ''I will drop by tonight to say goodbye'' you say and Cordelia goes to the bathroom to get changed again. As she comes out of the bathroom you can see that her eyes are a bit puffy. ''Are you okay Dee?'' you ask and she simply hugs you and then leaves without even saying goodbye. You stand there in your pajamas very confused, not really knowing what to do or what to say. Part of you knows that you have to get back to your life but you also don't wanna leave Cordelia and everyone again but even if you decided to stay here there is nowhere for you to stay as your reservation for the hotel is ending today and you don't wanna bother anyone and stay at the coven again. Part of you wants to hold on to Cordelia but you also know that you should let her be happy with Misty and not ruin their relationship, but then again you think of your fathers words and you have no idea what to do. So you do what you always do when you have no idea what to do or how to express your emotions you start writing. This time you decide to adress this letter or whatever this is you are writing to Cordelia because you feel like you owe this to her. In the draw of the hotel table you find some paper and a pen and you start writing:

''Dear Delia,

To be honest I don't know why I can't tell you how I feel in person so I guess it's easier to just write my feelings to you. I wanna tell you a bit about why I left back then when Fiona told me to, part of me could have easily came to see you that night and talked to you or even after I left I could have reached out to you but the reason I didn't wasn't because I didn't wanna stand up against Fiona or anything. I guess the truth is part of me believes you truly are better off without me, you are the supreme, an incredible witch and let alone your amazing and beautiful personality. I am just an average witch and I don't really practice magic on a daily basis anymore, I teach nowadays at university and I kinda like teaching students. You are better off without me because you are a a literal goddess. I truly mean when I say that you are the most beautiful person inside and out, your blonde locks are so stunning and I love smelling your hair (not in a creepy way). Your body is so gorgeous and your figure is beautiful, everything about your body and let me not even get started on that beautiful face of yours, is just incredible. You truly are a masterpiece and I want you to be with someone who is good enough for you, I hope you and Misty can resolve whatever happened between you and her and that she will forgive you for our mistakes. Cordelia I don't wanna make this harder for neither one of us but I truly am and will forever be in love with you, I wish I could stay here and live my life with you but I guess we had our chance and maybe it is for the best. It hurts me so much to write these words you have no idea. I'm sorry if me coming back here confused you or brought back too many old emotions, I never meant to cause you any pain not back then and not now. Please take care and I promise if you ever need me or my help I will only be a phone call away. (My Number)

Cordelia Goode x Reader- The one that got awayWhere stories live. Discover now