I would make you stay

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As you get into your mustang and start the engine you can not believe what just happened, you are only a bit tipsy as you didn't even finish the only drink you had. Cordelia wasn't drunk either, she would always be very aware of her surroundings so this kiss was no accident, it was a very meaningful kiss and your fingers linger over your lips reminding yourself of the beautiful feeling the kiss gave you. At the same time you feel guilt wash over your body as you think of Misty and that you just potentially ruined Cordelia and Misty's relationship and chance at happiness. You are currently waiting at a red light and instead of turning right to go back to the hotel you take a left and make your way to your usual hangout and thinking spot back when you were in highschool. You have never ever taken anyone here yet not even Cordelia because it is a very special and private spot to you. After your mother died, after any hard time in your life you would come here and think , it would calm you down and give you some kind of peace and quiet especially because no one is there. As you arrive by the docks and look at the skyline filled with lights and cars driving by in the distance you think about Cordelia and what you both exchanged. You cannot deny the feeling kissing and being this close to your first love brought you and how it kind of made you whole inside and give you a feeling of being complete again. One thing is for sure though you are not a liar or cheat, you have never been so you wouldn't just start anything with Cordelia while she is with Misty but you don't wanna make her choose either because you think thats not fair. You wish you could talk to your mother right now, she used to always know what to say and give you great advice. A tear streams down your cheek as you remember your dear mother and some beautiful moments you shared with her. You are distracted when your phone buzzes and you open a text message from Myrtle.

Myrtle: Hey Y/N you okay? you left without saying goodbye?

Y/N: I'm okay sorry for leaving without saying goodbye

Myrtle: Do you wanna talk?

Y/N: yes please, can you teleport to this location?

*sends location*

Myrtle: on my way

As you lock your screen and put your phone down you hear a little whoosh and next thing you know Myrtle is standing there also leaning against your car and looking into the distant lights. ''Hello Dear'' she whispers and you feel so grateful for everything this woman has done for you so far. ''Thank you Myrtle'' you say feeling a bit embarrassed that she had to get away from the party and be out here with you. ''This place is beautiful'' Myrtle says and you smile ''Thank you I always come here to think and I have never shown it to anyone before'' you admit and she looks at you and says ''Well I feel honored Y/N''. You both sit there for a while just watching the city and the sky turning darker and darker as it is getting later. ''We kissed Myrtle'' you finally say and look at her not knowing how she would react. ''You did?'' she asks surprised. ''Well it was in the heat of the moment really and I-'' but Myrtle interrupts you. ''Listen Y/N I can not tell you what to do but all I know is that Cordelia loves you and you love Cordelia, it has always been this way and it will always be this way'' as she finishes you feel a tear stream down your cheeks and Myrtle takes your hand into hers. ''I know child how much you want justice for everyone and make everyone happy all the time but this will simply not be the case it will only leave you, Delia or Misty heartbroken there is no way around that'' she says and you take a deep breath and answer ''Well we already did break Misty's heart by kissing and I feel awful about that'' you admit and Myrtle nods ''I understand Y/N I truly do but you have to decide whether you want to be happy with Cordelia or live a miserable life missing her'' as she says that you know exactly what the witch with orange hair is talking about. After you left Cordelia your life was miserable, no matter how you tried to distract yourself you never could and the witch would always be there you would always be reminded of her and you don't quite know whether you will be able to do that again even if it means to upset Misty. ''You should go to sleep and rest some dear'' Myrtle says and you nod. ''Let me drive you please'' you offer and Myrtle accepts so you don't have to drive back by yourself. After reaching the coven Myrtle exits your car and thanks you for the lift. You start your loud engine and make your way to the hotel now being really tired and your body begging you for sleep.

Cordelia Goode x Reader- The one that got awayWhere stories live. Discover now