Us against the world- Last Chapter

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One month later:

It has now been a month after Fiona's funeral and the painful weekend of seeing Cordelia and saying goodbye to her. You went back to work and started to live your life again, you work everyday and teach students, when you come home you carry on working and prepare your lessons for the next day or read some work from your students and answer emails and try and distract yourself as much as possible. On the weekends you would occasionally go to the bar down the road and try and socialize. You have visited your dad more times since last time and he is always so happy to see you it warms your heart. The thought of Cordelia would often, multiple times each day run through your mind and your heart would feel pain, it kind of felt like losing her all over again and you blame yourself for making that choice although you know its for her sake and Cordelia's best. It's late in the evening and you are grading some papers when you hear your phone buzz, it's an unknown number so you pick up. ''Hello this is Y/N'' you say and are surprised to hear Zoe on the other side of the phone. ''Hello this is Zoe, we met at the academy a few weeks back'' she says and you instantly worry praying everyone is fine. ''Yes hi Zoe, is everything okay?'' you ask panicking. ''Oh yes, well it's Cordelia she isn't doing well since you have left and Myrtle is on a council meeting this weekend and she is really not doing well and we kind of don't know what to do'' the younger witch explains and you feel your heart sink. ''Okay um listen if I leave now I should be there in a few hours okay?'' you say and she answers: ''Thank you so much and drive safely''. You quickly grab your jacket and keys and make your way to your car. Normally you could easily teleport to New Orleans but you haven't practiced magic in a while and teleporting could go terribly wrong especially since you are worried and freaking out over Cordelia being not okay so you take the car and decide to make your way to the academy. 

Since you have left Cordelia tried hard every day with the help of Myrtle she slowly tried to accept the fact that you wouldn't be part of her life and she tried to distract herself by doing supreme and headmistress duties but after Misty also left she feels lonely. She misses you truly and she would often read your letter and drown in self pity. This is usually not like Cordelia she would always be strong and make sure everyone around her is fine but losing you for a second time was something she wasn't prepared for. Myrtle normally takes care of the supreme and distracts her as much as possible but she had to leave on an urgent council meeting because Cordelia really didn't wanna go so someone had to. If she knew Zoe called you she would be furious, she tried to keep her feelings away from the girls because she doesn't wanna worry them but they notice her not showing up to meals, being really exhausted and tired while teaching and constantly having puffy red eyes. Madison forced Zoe to do something and call you because she couldn't see her supreme like this anymore. They got your number from Queenie and called you which ultimately caused you to once again find yourself standing in front of a familiar door. You knock a few times and Zoe opens the door. ''Thank you so much Y/N'' she says with an apologetic smile sorry that you had to come such a long way. ''Anytime'' you say and make your way to Cordelia's room. You knock a few times and hear some shuffling, you knock again and hear Cordelia say ''Girls not now I don't feel like dinner'' she says so you decide to just open the door. As you walk inside you see Cordelia sit on the bed in a silk robe, puffy eyes and bags under her eyes. Just simply by looking at the blonde woman you can tell the endless nights without sleep she must have had and her face looks thiner so you can tell she hasn't been eating a lot either. Guilt is the first thing you feel when you see her because you blame yourself, you did this by leaving her again and for showing up here in the first place. ''Delia'' you whisper and she looks at you with wide eyes expecting anything and anyone but you to stand there. ''Y/N?'' she asks and her voice breaks. You close the door and make your way over to her bed, you sit on the edge and take her hand into yours. ''Delia what happened?'' you ask already regretting that stupid question. ''I - what are you doing here?'' she asks confused and you tell her that her witches are deeply worried about her and that you are as well. ''I missed you Y/N'' she says and looks at you, her brown eyes full of sadness. ''Me too Delia'' you admit and you open your arms to offer her a hug. She basically falls into your lap and you hug her tight, slowly playing with her hair trying to put some broken pieces back together. ''I have an idea Dee, how about we go out for dinner so we can catch up?'' you ask and she looks at you with so much excitement. ''I would love to but I don't feel like seeing people'' the supreme says. ''I know just the place, you only have to change your clothes'' you say and gesture for her to get ready. As Cordelia gets ready you wait downstairs and tell the girls you are going out with Cordelia and that they shouldn't wait up. ''Zoe you have my number if you girls need anything okay?'' and Zoe nods. ''Are you and Cordy finally gonna get it together and sort out your stuff?'' Madison asks and Queenie punches her arm feeling second hand embarrassment. ''What? I just don't like seeing Delia this sad and we all know you belong together'' she adds but stops when she sees Cordelia walking down the stairs with some comfortable clothes on. ''Let's go'' you say and take her hand and open the door so she can get into your car. ''Where are we going?'' Cordelia asks as you start the engine. ''Just wait and see'' you say and drive to the city. You stop at a sushi restaurant you and Cordelia used to love and get some takeout. As you walk inside you ask Cordelia to wait in the car and after coming back with some bags of food you drive to your favorite place to think by the docks with the beautiful view of the skyline. The car ride is silent but it's a comfortable silence and you are focused on the road but sometimes you would peak over to Delia and you can see her staring at you and when you notice she would look away with blushed cheeks.

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