When we first met

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''Y/N? Y/N? darling wake up please'' as you hear these words you instantly open your eyes and basically jump out of bed. ''Hi Dee what are you doing here?'' you ask still sleepily but are quickly distracted when you see Cordelia only wearing some silk pajamas exposing her legs and some of her cleavage. ''Come with me I have a surprise for you'' she says and grabs your hand. She holds your hand and teleports you both into the greenhouse so you wouldn't wake anyone in the academy especially not Fiona. As you look around you see that Cordelia moved the big table a bit and there is an air mattress with some blankets and pillows on the floor as well as some snacks and drinks. Some of the windows are open and you can feel the warm summer air. ''This is beautiful Delia'' you whisper and you both lie down Cordelia wrapping her arms and legs around you and you both just stare at the stars and stargaze for what feels like ages. After a while you turn around and look into her beautiful brown eyes, you move some hair out of her face and get lost in her gaze. ''You are so beautiful Dee'' you whisper into her ear and she chuckles. You can feel Cordelias hand slowly move up your t-shirt and she starts kissing your neck. ''Um Dee I need to tell you something'' you say nervously and Cordelia looks into your eyes. ''I've never done this before'' you say nervously and Cordelia just chuckles and answers ''Me neither''. That night you and Cordelia both gave each other something very special not just your virginities but also a big piece of trust and feeling of comfort and safety. You were both very gently with each other and made sure not to hurt another. What you didn't know back then was that a few days later you would walk out of Cordelia's life and yours would change forever.

You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock and after sleepily sitting up and stretching your body your eyes wander to the table and you see the clothes for today. You dread the thought of having to go to this funeral, not just because it is a funeral, also because today you would see Cordelia again and part of you isn't ready to see the beautiful blonde witch again. Back then you were both two scared and confused teenagers scared of the future and life itself.  You didn't mind back then that Cordelia was a few years older than you but you haven't seen her since then and you are scared of facing her. You slowly make your way out of bed and put your clothes on, you decide to straighten your hair and apply some mascara and nude colored lipstick. After grabbing an apple and a bottle of water on your way out you walk towards your car. You know the graveyard too well considering your mother is buried here. 

As you approach the little church you don't recognize any faces until you see Queenie. You didn't know her too well but just before you left she joined the academy so you decide to make your way over to her. ''No way Y/N?'' she exclaims happily and pulls you into a hug. ''How have you been girl?'' she asks with a big smile. ''I have been good how about you?'' you ask back and you both do some small talk before you both make your way inside the church. It feels good to know someone here because apart from Queenie no one seems familiar until you finally see Myrtle standing by the entrance. She is talking to some people about the same age as her when her eyes land on you. Her eyes go back to the people she is talking to but a split second later she recognizes who you are and excuses herself before making her way over to you. ''Y/N no way'' she says with a smile and pulls you in for a hug. ''How have you been darling?'' she asks after you both pull away ''I have been good'' you say and Myrtle can obviously tell that you haven't been. That woman used to be somewhat of a mother figure to you while you were in the academy, you would often talk to her and she was one of the only people to know about you and Delia. After talking to both Myrtle and Queenie for a while you three decide to make your way inside the chapel. The three of you take a seat in the middle row and you take in your surroundings. There is some light gospel music playing as people are walking inside, there is a large amount of people here today considering Fiona was not really a nice person this surprised you. Your gaze quickly wanders to a casket and then to the front row. There she is , although she is not facing you you can tell that this is Cordelia sitting there but she isn't alone. There is a woman seeming to be around the same age as Cordelia with blonde curls wearing a black flower dress. Both of them seem close as the woman's hands are holding Cordelias. Delia is wearing some black trousers and a black blouse. Myrtle can tell you are looking at Cordelia so she asks if you wanna go say hello. ''Um no I will just wait till after the ceremony'' you answer and Myrtle simply nods. The entire ceremony you cannot really focus on the words or the music or anything you keep looking at Cordelia and the woman who's name you found out is Misty. Queenie told you that after you just needed to know and asked her. After the ceremony is over Cordelia follows the casket being carried outside. She doesn't notice you standing there only after Fionas body was now in the ground and everyone said their goodbyes she noticed you standing there with Myrtle and Queenie. She can't come over to say hello and reunite just yet because people are still paying their respects to her and offering condolences. Cordelia's heart starts beating faster as she sees you standing there looking more mature and still as perfect as all those years ago. After everyone left it was just you Queenie, Myrtle and Cordelia and Misty. Cordelia and Misty are standing by Fiona's grave and you decide to make your way over to them. ''Hello Dee'' you say and Cordelia instantly turns around. Her eyes lock with yours and you feel like your body would give up on you any second. ''Y/N'' she whispers and pulls you in for a hug, as you feel her arms wrap around you you rest your chin on her shoulder and close your eyes. You can't help but think of the first time you met Cordelia.

Cordelia Goode x Reader- The one that got awayWhere stories live. Discover now