2021 Update

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Hi there, you lovely readers!💗

I would first like to thank you guys for reading! I wrote this book in 2016 when I was 16 going on 17, I am now 21 turning 22. It is crazy to see how many people have been finding this book and actually enjoying it, despite the cringey mess it is haha!🖤

I have unfortunately lost my passion for writing and do not see myself finishing the sequel "Take My Love". I'm sorry to disappoint, but I have been getting a strong urge to write again. Although it wouldn't be the sequel you guys are asking for, I do plan on delivering a new project to you guys soon!

Harry And Raelynn's love story was frustrating, annoying, yet beautiful. I hate that I loved it so much as I'm sure so do you. Thank you for reading. ♡

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