Late Introduction

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First of all, thank you to everyone who voted and commented on this story! It makes me super happy people are reading it.

I realised even though I've published about four chapters or something already, I....haven't given you the introduction. Oops.

So anyway, here it is.


                                                       January 20th to February 18th.

Right so these are the dates of Aquarius, if you're in between these dates you're an Aquarius. If you're born in the night of January 20th and the next day will be January 21st then you're an Aquarius. However if you're born in the night of January 19th and the next day is January 20th I'd say you're probably a Capricorn. If you're born in the night of February 18th that's going to turn into the morning of February 19th you're probably a Pisces. But if you feel you don't belong to Capricorn or Pisces then you're probably still an Aquarius, and the final decision is yours. 

Sorry for muddling everyone's brains!!!

Oh, and before we continue on I'm aware that in 2020 a new star sign called Ophischus or however you spell that was discovered and it messed up all the dates. And now I'm a Capricorn apparently....Which....(Sorry Capricorns), I'm not too happy about! I don't believe in that though because they've had these dates for so long and then they go and muddle everything up! Anyway I'll move on before this becomes a rant.

                                                                                  An otter.

Thats our animal emblem kinda. I personally love otters, because they're so smart and cute, and they're just ADORABLE in my opinion. Others don't like otters because....Well because they don't.

Anyway you might be going "Wait, what? Hold the phone! An otter? What? Aren't we like a...Dolphin or Shark or something?"

 But we aren't. A lot of people think that we're some cool tropical fish that lives in the ocean, but we're a furry little otter! Big difference! "Why?" You ask. I'll tell you.

 Aquarius is the water-bearer. It gives the water of life. Now imagine, if you were to drink the water of life what would it taste like? Now its got to actually taste like water so everyone whose yelling coffee, chocolate cake and caramel, it can't taste like that. I imagine it would taste sweet, refreshing, cool and FRESH. The water of life was FRESH, which means that fresh water animals are our animals. Not dolphins and sharks that live in SALT water. And since otters are like the only animal that LIVES in fresh water that's actually kind of smart (cos salmons represent like strength or something, but they don't rlly have a personality) they're our animals.

                                                                              A peacock

It can also be called a peafowl if you want to be Wikipedia fancy. 

Why is a peacock our animal?

 Because peacocks are unique and beautiful creatures just like us *Insert hair flick*

 They have unique features which make them beautiful, breath-taking and strange birds. They are proud and can be aloof, which is in the big, big picture a snippet of our personality. 

 According to myth the peacock was once an ugly bird. It still had its long tail feathers but they were a dull shade of grey. One day, a God was running from some demon and asked if he could hide behind the birds tail feathers. So the bird spread out its tail feathers and when the demon came it walked past the peacock. To thank the peacock, the God made him beautiful colours and gave him gorgeous tail feathers. Soon he was feeling confident about his body, and happy when he looked at his feet and let out a mournful cry. They were still shrivelled and ugly! And so according to Myth whenever peacocks looks at their feet they lets out a mournful cry, still.

 They are related that way to us, because usually we are born perfectionists. We can look absolutely beautiful, be incredibly kind or smart, but still just because of one,                                                                                                  


If you're born in January your birthstone is a garnet. A garnet is a deep red gem. You can find a link to a pic of a garnet below if you want to see it: 

If you're born in February your birthstone is an amethyst. Amethysts can be lavender or deep purple that ombres to white at the tips. A link to a pic of an amethyst is below:                                                                                 

                                                                            Lucky Numbers

7, 3, 20, 18, 8 and 12. No idea why there the numbers, but whatever. 


Uranus is our ruling planet because I guess it's the bluest, made mainly of water and Uranus was the Roman God of water or something, which links to the water-bearer. Our secondary ruling planet is Jupiter, no idea why.


Our element is air. Look I'm pretty confused too, we're the water-bearer and our element is...air. Weird. But apparently we also have a large water influence which DOES make sense.


The orchid is our flower because of its unique beauty, shapes and types. Love orchids, and I suppose that a blue orchid would be especially like Aquarius. 

                                                                                       Sky Blue

Sky blue is our colour because we're the water bearers and the sky is sky blue.


A job for an Aquarius is one where they are free to roam and kind of do what they want.

 We aren't the type of person that wakes up at 7 comes back home at 10 and only is alive because of caffeine, but we aren't that random person who sits watching TV and eating hot dogs and drinking Coke, and does absolutely nothing. We are a healthy mix.

Basically a job that allows us to be free, is one we enjoy doing, is reasonably creative and gives a fair salary is sufficient for us.

 Please comment if you find this relatable, unreliable or you've got something to add.

Stay awesome!

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