Personality 2 and Our Favourite Things

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Aquarius type two.

Aquarius type two is the one whose quietly different. Is an introvert and will reluctantly talk to everyone.

Everyone hates a subject? They love it, quietly. Everyone terrible at a subject? They'll be good at it. Everyone has to draw a landscape and people are drawing hills and mountains? They're the ones who draws a spacescape.

They're the smart ones in your class, the ones whose work gets read out and the teacher praises them while they're looking at their shoes. They're eternally modest people and will talk about themselves for about a minute before they'll change the subject. They're talented but they don't know it and sometimes treat themselves terribly which is heart-breaking for their friends.

They are the random facts people.

"Did you know that the average woman eats 6g of lipstick in her life, because she has lipstick on when she eats food?"

"Hermione isn't actually a name that J.K Rowling made up. It comes from a Shakespearean play."

Quietly finding spelling mistakes in the exams and curriculum. If they're feisty, they'll circle it. If not, they'll just smile to themselves.

Weird artworks is their style. Contemporary, alternative. Bright colours, weird patterns. Things no one would've dreamed of doing.

You'll find them reading while the others play sports. Most are slightly athletic, but academics are what they do best in. As well as creative arts.

Doesn't keep up with the trends. Either vaguely know them, don't at all, or know them but have their own style.

They are pushers. Not usually of other people, but themselves.

"Why didn't you use a calculator for the algebra questions?"

"Oh, you know, just to spice things up,"

Sadly, the world sometimes fails them and they just can't bear to challenge themselves more.

They're the ones who look normal but if you look closer they're different. Like blonde hair and brown eyes or brown hair and blue eyes or unusually tall or short.

Everyone thinks they're the smart and kind kid, but if you dare to mess with their friends, oh sweetie, you will get the earful.

I hope you find this relatable! Post if you are type one or type two and if you think you are one of them except for something that you disagree with it post it in the comments as well.

Thanks guys!

As Aquarians, we love all different kind of things. 

Mainly we love things we can connect to though. For example if your personality is cool, calm and collected then maybe you would love the colour aqua. 

Or if your parents are astrologers and you find the stars interesting, black or silver might be your favourite colour.

So here are some of the things that we love.

Aquarius colours: Most of our colours are in the cool colour scheme. So, blue, purples, greens, deep pinks. Our metallic colours and shades are often black and silver.

Aquarius fave food: Foods that reflect ourselves.

I, for example, am definitely Aquarius Type 2. Quietly weird. And I love pizza, which is a thing that is also quietly weird.

Now that pizza is common, and everyone most likely has seen it or ate it, you might think, How the heck is pizza weird though?

Think about it. The Italians made pasta, which is dough in different shapes that is boiled and served with different sauces. That's pretty different. But say that was the normal thing. You rolled your pasta dough, made random shapes, boiled it, and with a sauce, boom, dinner was all good and ready to eat.

But then there's pizza. Someone made different dough, different from lasagne or pasta dough, and rolled it into a flat circle. Then, instead of cutting it into shapes and making pasta or spaghetti, or baking it, maybe eating it with a little olive oil, they added tomato paste, shredded cheese, and chopped up herbs, and then baked it in a new oven, specifically for creating pizza. I guarantee the person who thought of it was an Aquarius.

I also guarantee all the other people would've been so weirded out by this creation. Probably annoyed too, because pizza doesn't require any cutlery or plates to eat.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of how pizza is weird. Thank you *bows*.

Aquarius favourite smells: Something nostalgic, and something to do with their passion.

 Like the smell of that cake that your grandma always bakes, the smell of home when you just come in, the smell of clean sheets when you get into bed.

If you love books, new book pages. If you're a writer then perhaps you kinda like the smell of ink. If you're a gardener, perhaps that rose that just bloomed is just divine.

That's it. If you agreed with one of them please comment, and comment your fave smell, colour and food.

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