Meme kinda stuff

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So I was reading some memes, And I'll rate them on their accuracy (for me, feel free to say they aren't or are accurate or go against me, these are just my opinions :))

We are spice, not sweet, or sour.         

  hehehe true

What we need... is to get our lives together          

 to be honest, that's probably true.

Aquarius is the least crazy sign.                    

 . . . yeah, whoever said that is crazy themselves.

What an Aquarius really loves is a night of just listening to music and reflecting on good memories.         

Wow, I can relate to that.

Aquarius' favourite thing is spiders.

Clearly, a person who wasn't Aquarius wrote that. That is not my favourite thing, by a long shot.

10 Things Aquarius' Hate

1. Boring People - Low-key agree

2. Fast food - . . . I kinda like Maccas and KFC

3. Talking about the past - I like to do that. Oh, well, only if it's happy, if it's something sad, the conversation is three seconds long.

4. Psychiatrists - I haven't ever been to one, but I never tell my problems to anyone, sooo I think I wouldn't like them, because I keep to myself.

5. Impractical people - Depends. If they're ridiculously unprepared they can be pretty fun sometimes, but if they just expect things to work out, and don't even try, then grr. 

6. People who don't clean up after they're pet. - I don't really get this one.

7. Lack of loyalty - 100%.

8. Being a third wheel - Yes! I hate that.

9. Getting their hands dirty - I don't really mind.

10. Shy people - I'm shy, and I don't really love myself, but I don't really hate myself, and I try to stand up for shy people, so no.

Aquarius as two words is new ideas - I guess.

Aquarius as a smell is beach air - Yes, I love that.

Aqauarius is a god, not an angel or demon. - Ha! Take that.

As a music genre we are alternative - I like that, and I listen to a lot of alternative actually.

We are made of siren tears, panthers and pearls apparently - Why the panthers though?

Why our sign sucks is we're nicer to strangers than to our own friends - *SIGH* ThAt iS a GeNeRaLiSaTiOn, Or A jUdGeMeNt AnD wE dOn'T dO tHaT hErE.

And we're not a Queen/King or a Prince/Princess....... :(


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